The National University of Ostroh Academy is the successor of Ostroh Slavic, Greek and Latin Academy, the first higher educational establishment of the Eastern Slavs.


The National University of Ostroh Academy receive the status of autonomous research national higher educational establishment.


Ostroh Academy University library which provides the resources for research and educational purposes, the access to the electronic catalogue of the library and foreign library networks.


Ostroh Academy abounds with the projects which welcome the students willing to actively participate, reveal their creative potential and realize their selves.


The National University of Ostroh Academy invites foreigners to become students of one of the most prestigious educational institution. More information can be found here.


The President of Encyclopedias of Ukraine Foundation in Canada Visited Ostroh Academy
The cooperation between Ostroh academy and Ukrainian diaspora opens up new horizons. The visit of the President of Encyclopedias of Ukraine Foundation in Canada Oleh Ivanusivy started the cooperation between Ostroh Academy and the Foundation
April 18, 2008

Anatolii Krylovets Received Blahovist Award
Anatolii Krylovets, associate professor, Candidate of Philology, Chair of the Department of Ukrainian of Ostroh Academy National University proposed by Rivne Society of Writers won the Blagovist-2007 literary contest for the best poetic collection Moia Vselenska Vypadkovist (My Universal Fortuity)
April 16, 2008

Ostroh Academy Students Conquer the Scientific Space of the Country
The student of Ostroh Academy National University Bohdana Hrechaniuk took second place in All-Ukrainian Interuniversity Finance Competition held in National Taras Schevchenko University of Kyiv
April 15, 2008

Andrii Demchuk Became the Cairman of the Commission on Information Matters of the Ukrainian Student Self-Government Association
The Head of Ostroh Academy National University Student Brotherhood Andrii Demchuk was elected the Chairman of the Standing Commission on Information Matters of the Ukrainian Student Self-Government Association
April 08, 2008

First-of-April Trick from Liubko Deresh
One of the biggest brawlers among Ukrainian writers, the author of novels Kult (The Cult) and Pokloninnia Yaschirtsi (Worshipping a Lizard), who wrote his first books at the age of 16, Liubko Deresh had meetings with the students of Ostroh Academy National University two days in a row
April 03, 2008

Democracy Development Foundation Supported Social Initiatives In Ostroh Academy
A round table discussion The Influence of Student Self-Government Bodies On the Formation of Moral and Ethic Values of the Modern Student Youth was organized on 3 April in Ostroh Academy on the initiative of the All-Ukrainian civic organization Democracy Development Foundation as a part of the project Social Hearings On the Local Level: Challenges For Public
April 03, 2008

To Serve and to Protect
Yaroslav Holomsha, the head of the Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs’ in Rivne region, visited Ostroh Academy National University
April 03, 2008

Presentation 100 Days of Yulia Tymoshenko’s Cabinet
On the initiative of the School of Political Analysis Polis the Report Presentation 100 Days of Yulia Tymoshenko’s Cabinet was presented for public in Ostroh Academy National University
March 31, 2008

The Catharsis Presents
The Week of the College of Political Studies and Information Management was rounded off with a theatrical event
March 30, 2008

"Intercollegia" Conducts Training Sessions for Teachers
On March 24-29, the National University of Ostroh Academy was organizing an erray of training sessions in Basics of Computer and Information Technologies for the teachers of collegia affiliated to the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
March 28, 2008

Students Present Their Social Advertising Projects
The annual student festival of advertising projects took place on March 26 at the National University of Ostroh Academy
March 27, 2008

Mykhailo Syrota Visited Ostroh Academy
On 26 March the famous politician, scientist, member of the parliament fraction Bloc Lytvyna Mykhailo Syrota visited Ostroh Academy National University
March 27, 2008

Student Brotherhood Demands Excise Increase
The majority of Student Brotherhood Student College of Ostroh Academy National University wrote a letter to Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko requesting for an increase in the amount of excise duty for tobacco to decrease the demand for this product
March 26, 2008

Week of the College of Political Studies and Information Management Celebrations
From 24 March till 29 March the College of Political Studies and Information Management celebrated its birthday with the motto ‘Be Happy and Free, ‘Cause PSIM Is Three’!
March 26, 2008

German Scientist Uwe Klenner Visiting Ostroh Academy
On 19 March the meeting with German scientist Uwe Klenner, who does research on the problems of European integration and social issues in the European Union and Germany, was held at Ostroh Academy National University
March 19, 2008

Head of the State Committee for Nationalities and Religion Teaching at Ostroh Academy
The Head of the State Committee for Nationalities and Religion Oleksandr Sahan visited Ostroh Academy National University
March 03, 2008

Academic Competition at the College of Economics
On 1 March the annual contest in Mathematics took place in Ostroh Academy National University as a part of contest series in various subjects organized for the best entrants
March 01, 2008

High Art Performance In Ostroh Academy
The artists of Rivne Philharmonic visited Ostroh Academy with their concert programme
February 28, 2008

College of Political Studies and Information Management Organized Contest for Potential Entrants
Currently, the College of Political Studies and Information Management started the series of contests for potential entrants
February 18, 2008

Exchange Programmes Participants Meet Canada World Youth Manager
Last week Second Secretary of the Embassy of Canada Tamara Romas-Figol and Canada World Youth Manager Colin Dirr visited Ostroh Academy National University
February 15, 2008

Presentation of Teaching Complex On Christian Ethics
On 14 February, the presentation of teaching complex on Christian Ethics was held at Ostroh Academy National University
February 14, 2008

Ostroh Academy Relies On the Support of the President of Ukraine. Commemorating Vasyl-Kostiantyn Ostrozkyi
On 14 February the solemn Commemoration Readings in memory of Prince Vasyl-Kostiantyn Ostrozkyi were held at Ostroh Academy National University
February 14, 2008

Institute for Ukrainian Diaspora Studies Presented to the Students
The Director of the Institute for Ukrainian Diaspora Studies Alla Atamanenko presented it to Ostroh Academy students of different university colleges to encourage the young scholars to use the resources of the Institute
February 14, 2008

Personal Development Trainings at Practicing Psychologist Workshop
Practicing Psychologist Workshop is conducting a social and psychological training to assist in personal development and effective cooperation amongst the university applicants
February 13, 2008

Ostroh Commemoration Readings In Memory of Prince Vasyl-Kostiantyn Ostrozkyi
Ostroh commemoration readings dedicated to the 400th memorial of Prince Vasyl-Kostiantyn Ostrozkyi were held at Ostroh Academy National University
February 13, 2008

Indoor Soccer Finals at OA
Indoor soccer finals took place at Ostroh Academy as a part of the sport contest Zdorovia
February 11, 2008

Ostroh Academy Among Top Ten
Recently, magazine Dengi (The Money) has published a rating of Ukrainian higher educational establishments providing second education with law as major
February 09, 2008

Homeless For A Day
Canada World Youth Exchange Programme participants organized the campaign Homeless For A Day
February 07, 2008

Weekly Round Table Discussion ‘Information for All’ UNESCO Programme
Ostroh Academy National University continues the round table discussion concerning ‘Information for All’ UNESCO Programme.
February 01, 2008

Open Day at Ostroh Academy
Over 500 secondary school students visited Ostroh Academy during the Open Day on 26 January.
January 28, 2008