On 9 February 2009 Hryhorii Kupriianovych, PhD, a historian, research worker of Marija Curie-Sklodowska Institute in Lublin (Poland), the Head of Ukrainian Society in Lublin, former chancellor of European Collegium of Polish and Ukrainian universities visited Ostroh Academy National University.
During the meeting with the students of the university Hryhorii Kupriianovych conducted the lecture “The action of orthodox churches destruction in Kholmschyna and South Pidliashia in 1938” which concerned with one of the most tragic and little known in Ukraine facts in the history of Polish-Ukrainian relationships in the 20th century.
Besides, the book by Hryhorii Kupriianovych and internet site www.kholm1938.net dedicated to these events were presented during the meeting.
At the end of the discussion the students had an opportunity to communicate with the guest and learn about modern social and church life of orthodox Ukrainians in Poland.