The commemoration evening to the famous Ukrainian writer, State USSR and Shevchenko prize winner Pavlo Zahrebelnyi took place in Ostroh Academy National University.
"Among the writers of the 20th century he is one of the most outstanding figures in literature", recons Professor, Vice-Rector for Teaching and Scholarly Petro Kraliuk.
This evening was characterized by memories, thoughts and quotations. Guests shared their impressions about the author’s works, they read the letter of Pavlo Zahrebelnyi to the lecturer of Ostroh Academy, poet Ihor Pavliuk.
Professor of Yagellonian University, lecturer of Ostroh Academy National University Yaroslav Polischuk took part in this event as well.
Final phrases from the novel by Pavlo Zahrebelnyi Dyvo (Miracle) “And this wonder never ends and never disappears” ended the commemoration evening.