The National University of Ostroh Academy is the successor of Ostroh Slavic, Greek and Latin Academy, the first higher educational establishment of the Eastern Slavs.


The National University of Ostroh Academy receive the status of autonomous research national higher educational establishment.


Ostroh Academy University library which provides the resources for research and educational purposes, the access to the electronic catalogue of the library and foreign library networks.


Ostroh Academy abounds with the projects which welcome the students willing to actively participate, reveal their creative potential and realize their selves.


The National University of Ostroh Academy invites foreigners to become students of one of the most prestigious educational institution. More information can be found here.


Canadian studies symposium
27-28 september
April 07, 2017

Ukrainian Language Courses
June 19th - July 2
February 15, 2017

Best Wishes on Christmas and New Year 2017!Video
On behalf of all the faculty of the National University of Ostroh Academy, we would like to extend our best wishes on Christmas and New Year 2017 to you all!
December 28, 2016

Ostroh Academy Lecturer is the Winner of 10th Jerzy Giedroyc Contest
A lecturer of the Department of Religious Studies and Theology of the National University of Ostroh Academy PhD Vitalii Shchepanskyi has won in the 10th Jerzy Giedroyc Contest 2016
December 02, 2016

The Art of Music Reigns at Ostroh AcademyVideo
Classical music can be heard at the National University of Ostroh Academy again. On 11 November, students and faculty of the university together with residents of Ostroh had the opportunity to enjoy the performance of Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy
November 13, 2016

Ostroh Academy Graduates Send Greetings from London
The second meeting with a successful Ostroh Academy graduate Nataliia Kibita, who is a professor at the London School of Economics was organized within the framework of “Alumni Talks” project
November 11, 2016

The Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language Celebrated at Ostroh Academy
Following the good tradition, the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language is celebrated on 9 November. A great number of events dedicated to this occasion have been taking place at the National University of Ostroh Academy for several years in a row
November 09, 2016

A Violinist Nazar Pasichnyk-Plyska Gave a Concert at Ostroh Academy Again
On 2 November, within the framework of the celebration of the 440th anniversary of university foundation a charity concert of a prize-winner of Polish and international competitions, a 12-year-old violinist Nazar Plyska-Pasichnyk took place at the National University of Ostroh Academy
November 02, 2016

Ostroh Academy Got into the Ukrainian Book of Records for the 5th Time
This year the 440th anniversary of foundation of the first institution of higher education of Ukraine and East Europe, the National University of Ostroh Academy was celebrated. It is to be recalled that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the resolution regarding the celebration of this jubilee at state level
November 01, 2016

Petro Poroshenko: “Ostroh Academy is One of the Driving Forces of Our Renewed Ukraine’s Advance”Video
On 27 October, the president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko visited the National University of Ostroh Academy. He unveiled the newly constructed wing of Ostroh Academy building in downtown Ostroh as well as the triumphal arch dedicated to the Ostroh Bible
October 27, 2016

International Conference “Ukrainian Diaspora: the Problems of Research”
The Institute of Ukrainian Diaspora Studies has been functioning at the National University of Ostroh Academy since 2002. The workers of the Institute have already organized plenty of scientific conferences and seminars, some of which were of international level
September 30, 2016

Valerii Polkovskyi: The Canadian Studies is a New and Extremely Important Area of Research
On 26 September, the Department of Business Communication of the National University of Ostroh Academy organized a series of seminars conducted by PhD Valerii Polkovskyi, the president of East European Opportunities (St. Albert, Canada), the director of Canadian Studies Centre of NU OA
September 29, 2016

Mykhailo Hrushevskyi’s 150th Anniversary Conference
This year is full of jubilees. One of them is the 150th anniversary of birth of Mykhailo Serhiiovych Hrushevskyi, a prominent Ukrainian historian, politician and public figure
September 19, 2016

4th Season Of Smart Challenge Business Championship Was Presented in Ostroh Academy
The presentation of Smart Challenge Business Case Solving Championship took place at the National University of Ostroh Academy on 13 September
September 16, 2016

Leadership Foundry in Ostroh Academy
What skills should a real leader have? What is diagnostics, methodics and harmonogram
September 15, 2016

Guests from Poland at Ostroh Academy
It is not the first time honoured guests from Poland came to the National University of Ostroh Academy. This time they took part in the conference Legal and Social Aspects of Cooperation between EU and Eastern Partnership Countries. The Processes of State Democratisation and the Problem of Corruption”
September 14, 2016

Ostroh Academy to Cooperate with Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences
On 12 September Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences delegation (director Grażyna Markvaldienė, dean of the Faculty of Technologies Jūratė Vaitekonienė, and director of the International Department Jūratė Danielene) visited the National University of Ostroh Academy
September 13, 2016

The President of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland visited Ostroh Academy
Студенти Національного університету «Острозька академія» мали змогу послухати лекцію від поважного гостя з Польщі – професора Анджея Жеплінського.
September 10, 2016

7th Annual Sport Morning at Ostroh Academy
On 9 September Sport Morning event took place at the National University of Ostroh Academy
September 09, 2016

The Dictation Dedicated to International Literacy Day at Ostroh Academy
Following a good tradition, the dictation dedicated to International Literacy Day has been organised at the National University of Ostroh Academy. Not only the students, but also the faculty of the university participated in it
September 08, 2016

502nd Anniversary of the Battle of Orsha commemorated at Ostroh Academy
The Victory in the Battle of Orsha was commemorated in Ostroh on 8 September. On this day in 1514 a large-scale battle between the united army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland and the army of Tsardom of Muscovy took place near town Orsha
September 08, 2016

Ihor Pasichnyk: “The Best Students and Future Leaders of Ukrainian Nation Study at Ostroh Academy”
Inauguration 2016, the ceremony of initiation of the freshers into the students’ fraternity of the National University of Ostroh Academy took place on 1 September
September 01, 2016

Ihor Pasichnyk: “Ostroh Academy Diploma is an All-Ukrainian Brand”
Graduation 2016 is a grand Master and Specialist diploma delivery ceremony, which took place at the National University of Ostroh Academy on 25 June
June 25, 2016

Ostroh Academy Got in the Top 10 Ukrainian Universities in QS University Rankings: EECA 2016
The National University of Ostroh Academy got 9th place among Ukrainian universities in QS-2016 University Rankings of European developing countries and countries of Central Asia
June 15, 2016

More than 100 Ostroh Academy students won Ukrainian diaspora scholarships and grants
On 7 June, the diaspora scholarship and grant presentation ceremony took place in the National University of Ostroh Academy
June 08, 2016

Lithuanian–Polish–Ukrainian Brigade will be named after Prince Kostiantyn of Ostroh
The trilateral Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland approved a Joint Declaration as a result of the two-day meeting of the Assembly and addressed the Governments of the three countries offering to name the Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian military brigade after famous Voivode and Prince Kostiantyn Vasyl of Ostroh
June 02, 2016

International Intellective Marathon “There is no Better Friend than Wisdom” (I. Franko ) Dedicated to the 440-th Anniversary of Ostroh Academy
International intellective marathon “There is no better friend than wisdom” (I. Franko) is a project of the National University of "Ostroh academy” that commemorates the 440th anniversary of the first higher educational institution in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, Ostroh Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy
April 12, 2016

A Greek Professor Lectured at the Ostroh Academy
Doctor Panos Eliopoulos from Greece visited the National University of Ostroh Academy on the 29th of March
April 04, 2016

Dutch Guests Once Again Visited Ostroh Academy
What is motivation? What is a team? How to raise funds and implement one’s own project using the experience of Dutch people as an example?
April 01, 2016