The National University of Ostroh Academy is the successor of Ostroh Slavic, Greek and Latin Academy, the first higher educational establishment of the Eastern Slavs.


The National University of Ostroh Academy receive the status of autonomous research national higher educational establishment.


Ostroh Academy University library which provides the resources for research and educational purposes, the access to the electronic catalogue of the library and foreign library networks.


Ostroh Academy abounds with the projects which welcome the students willing to actively participate, reveal their creative potential and realize their selves.


The National University of Ostroh Academy invites foreigners to become students of one of the most prestigious educational institution. More information can be found here.


Corporate Finance Fundamentals (online course): advance your skills and enhance your credibility
Відкрито набір на онлайн-курс Corporate Finance Fundamentals від Berkeley School of Law! Це чудова пропозиція підвищення професійних компетентностей для тих, хто хоче більше дізнатися про корпоративні фінанси, краще навчитися розуміти і розмовляти мовою бізнесу!
June 20, 2024

"Eyes of Mariupol. Ukrainian Superheroes. Azovstal" at Ostroh Academy
On June 6, a presentation of the book and exhibition "Eyes of Mariupol. Ukrainian Superheroes. Azovstal" by Ukrainian writer Anastasiia Dmytruk took place at the National University of "Ostroh Academy".
June 06, 2024

The Law School of Ostroh Academy Signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Supreme Court
On June 3, representatives of 8 law schools from universities of Ukraine, including I. Malynovskyi Institute of Law, participated in the event "Vision of Interaction between the Supreme Court and Legal Education Institutions", organised by the Supreme Court. 
June 03, 2024

Congratulations to the Newly Elected Head of the Student Brotherhood - Yehor Popov!
On May 15, elections were held for the Head of the Student Brotherhood of the National University of Ostroh Academy; the winner is Yehor Popov, a second-year student majoring in International Relations. The official meeting of the newly elected Head with the NaUOA administration took place at the meeting of the Academic Council on May 30.
May 31, 2024

A Lecture by a Polish Diplomat, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Poland to Ukraine (2001-2005), Marek Ziulkovskyi, was Held at Ostroh Academy
As part of the Diplomatic Week at the National University of Ostroh Academy, a Polish diplomat, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Poland to Ukraine (2001-2005), the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Kenya (2012-2015), the representative of Poland in NATO ( 2017-2019), Marek Ziulkovskyi, delivered a lecture on the topic "International Business and Ecopolitics".
May 30, 2024

Ostroh Academy Hosted a Meeting with the Leading Experts of RENOME SMART
On May 30, the National University of Ostroh Academy arranged a meeting with the leading experts of the RENOME SMART company: Alina Boichuk, a manager of foreign economic activities and Serhii Berezovskyi, the head of the financial and economic department. The issue to discuss was "Innovations and Technologies in the Financial Market".
May 30, 2024

The Lecture "Bank Performance at the International Level During the War" at Ostroh Academy
Within the framework of the "Financial Market" Course, on May 29, a meeting was held at the National University of Ostroh Academy with Bohdana Havryliuk, a graduate of the Faculty of Economics, a board member of JSC "Citibank". The lecture topic was "Bank Performance at the International Level During the War".
May 29, 2024

A Lecture by the Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, Vasyl Kostytskyi, at Ostroh Academy National University
On May 29, the academic community of the National University of Ostroh Academy listened to a lecture by a Doctor of Science (Law), academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences, Professor of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, President of the Association of Ukrainian Lawyers, Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, Vasyl Kostytskyi.
May 29, 2024

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belgium to Ukraine, Peter Van De Velde, delivered a lecture to the students of Ostroh Academy
On May 28, Diplomatic Week began at Ostroh Academy National University. This event provides an opportunity to learn more about global processes and discuss current issues.
May 28, 2024

Retired US Army Lieutenant General Ben Hodges Spoke About the Russia-Ukraine War and the Middle East Conflict as Factors of Global Instability
On May 27, Mr Ben Hodges, a retired Lieutenant General of the US Army and ex-commander of the US Army in Europe, delivered the eighth lecture at the National University of Ostroh Academy. The lecture's topic this time was "The Russian-Ukrainian War and the Middle East Conflict as Factors of Global Instability."
May 27, 2024

The Ukrainian-Polish Leadership Course Started at Ostroh Academy
On May 24-26, classes of the first training session of the Leadership Course for public organisations held by the Anna Valentynovych Center in Rivne proceeded in Ostroh.
May 26, 2024

Ostroh Academy Celebrated the Week of the Institute of Linguistics
On May 20-24, celebrations dedicated to the Educational and Scientific Institute of Linguistics were held at the National University of Ostroh Academy.
May 24, 2024

OA Students Met the Representatives of the Western Territorial Department of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service
On May 22, the National University of Ostroh Academy hosted a meeting of the 3rd-year Law students with representatives of the Western Territorial Department of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service (NACS).
May 22, 2024

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the State of Qatar, Andrii Kuzmenko, Took Part in the Meeting of the Foreign Policy Club
On May 21, the Foreign Policy Club discussed "The State of Qatar - an Atypical Country of the Typical Global South" with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the State of Qatar, Andrii Kuzmenko.
May 21, 2024

The Model Summit of the BRICS Countries Took Place at Ostroh Academy
On May 21, the Model Summit of the Brics countries took place at the National University of Ostroh Academy. The organisers are the student organisation "Foreign Affairs Research Organization" (FARO) and the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations and National Security. The project managers are Yaroslav Burkut and Yaroslav Varin.
May 21, 2024

A Student of Ostroh Academy Won a Prize in the All-Ukrainian Competition in Academic Integrity Issues
Oksana Kuts, a first-year student of the EPP "Ukrainian Language and Literature" of the first (bachelor) level of higher education, received a III degree diploma for winning the All-Ukrainian essay competition "Integrity in Education: observe / cannot be / violate", held at the Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko. The winners' names were announced on May 17 during the VII International Research-to-Practice Conference of higher education graduates and young scientists, "Academic Culture of the Researcher in the Educational Space: European and National Experience", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the university.
May 17, 2024

Ostroh Academy Discussed the Issues and Priorities of the Development of Education and Science in National Security
On May 17, the VI International Research-to-Practice Conference "Education and Science in the Field of National Security: Problems and Development Priorities" was held at the National University of Ostroh Academy within the framework of the European Union project "Erasmus+ WARN - Academic Countermeasures to Hybrid Threats (610133-EPP-1-2019-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP)."
May 17, 2024

EU Career Days 2024 at Ostroh Academy
On May 8-9, the National University of "Ostroh Academy" hosted the "EU Career Days 2024". The EU Information Center based at the university arranged the event with support from the Delegation of the EU to Ukraine. During these two days, the event organisers focused on issues concerning human rights and freedoms in the EU, institutions and legislation governing this area, the role of civil society in conflict resolution processes, and increasing awareness about the roles of EU institutions.
May 09, 2024

Erasmus+ University of Jaén (Spain)
The University of Jaén (Spain) and the National University of Ostroh Academy are holding a selection for Erasmus+ scholarships in the framework of Key Action 171 for the purpose of educational mobility with partner countries in the first semester of the academic year 2024-2025 (September 2024 - January 2025).
April 30, 2024

Students of Ostroh Academy Started Their Semester Studies at the University of Beira Interior (Portugal) Within the Erasmus+ Programme
The University of Beira Interior and the National University of Ostroh Academy held a competition for an Erasmus+ scholarship under Key Action 171 to carry out educational mobility with partner countries in the second semester of the academic year 2023-2024 (January - June 2024). In particular, Ostroh Academy students have recently started their studies at the University of Beira Interior.
March 26, 2024

Student of Ostroh Academy to Win M.S. Hrushevskyi Scholarship
According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 258 dated 04.03.2024, "On awarding the academic scholarship named after M.S. Hrushevskyi for the second semester of the academic year 2023/2024", the 4th year student majoring in Computer Science, the National University of Ostroh Academy, Khrystyna Krymchuk, will hold a scholarship named after M.S. Hrushevskyi.
March 25, 2024

Students of Ostroh Academy Became Presidential Scholarship Holders
The National University of Ostroh Academy students will receive personalised academic scholarships from the President of Ukraine.
March 25, 2024

Ostroh Academy Held the Young Bible Experts Contest
On March 22-24, the 16th All-Ukrainian Contest, Young Bible Experts 2024, was held at the Research Laboratory of Christian Ethics, Psychology and Pedagogy of the National University of Ostroh Academy. The 2024 issue was «Leadership in the Light of the Bible».
March 24, 2024

The 2024 "Women in Diplomacy: Challenge or Mission?" Meeting Series Started at Ostroh AcademyVideo
On March 22, 2024, the National University of Ostroh Academy hosted an online event, "Women in Scientific and Educational Diplomacy. How to contribute to the formation of a positive image of Ukraine?" which launched a series of meetings "Women in Diplomacy: Challenge or Mission?" (March-June 2024). It continued a thematic series of events dedicated to a comprehensive study of the role of women in diplomacy, held in 2023 at the National University of Ostroh Academy by the Scientific Society for the History of Diplomacy and International Relations, the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Ukraine in cooperation with several partners.
March 22, 2024

Professor of the University of St. Andrews Delivered a Lecture on Data Organisation
On March 20, the National University of Ostroh Academy hosted a lecture, "Organising Data in Spreadsheets: How to Avoid Pitfalls?" as part of the Open University framework. The speaker was Dr Oleksandr Konovalov, a lecturer at the School of Computer Science at the University of St. Andrews.
March 20, 2024

Intensifying Cooperation: Ostroh Academy and Radovel Biotechnological Lyceum Launch Educational Project
On March 19, the National University of Ostroh Academy and the Radovel Biotechnological Lyceum launched an educational project to establish cooperation between academic institutions through further student internships and research possibilities for the university lecturers at the Lyceum.
March 19, 2024

Erasmus+ Staff Week at University of Jaen (Spain)
University of Jaeń and the National University of Ostroh Academy are pleased to announce a call for the faculty and administration employees of Ostroh Academy to participate at the Staff Week that will be held by the University of Jaeń from May 13th until May 17th of 2024.
March 08, 2024

Ostroh Academy held a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Mykhailo VynnytskyiVideo
On January 19, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Mykhailo Vynnytskyi paid a working visit to The National University of Ostroh Academy.
January 19, 2024

Ostroh Academy Graduate is Shortlisted for the Main Journalism Award in the UK
Svitlana Morenets, a graduate of the speciality "Journalism" of The National University of Ostroh Academy and a journalist for The Spectator, has been shortlisted for the Young Journalist of the Year 2024 category by The Press Awards, the UK's leading award for journalists. Svitlana's report from eastern Ukraine on the problems of medical support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine was also shortlisted for the Article of the Year award by the National Council for the Training of Journalists.
January 18, 2024

Ostroh Academy has once again donated humanitarian aid to a hospital in Zaporizhzhia
On January 11, The National University of Ostroh Academy academic staff again collected and sent humanitarian aid to a Zaporizhzhia hospital. The act occurred within the cooperation framework between Operational Command West and the NaUOA, which continues to implement the project to support wounded soldiers undergoing treatment in Zaporizhzhia hospitals.
January 11, 2024