The National University of Ostroh Academy
with co-financing by the European Union
XVIІІ International Conference
“The problem of cultural identity in the situation of contemporary dialogue of cultures”
for students, researchers, teachers, representatives of professional communities and civil society
Ostroh, May 22-23, 2025
The National University of Ostroh Academy conducts XVIIІ International Conference “The problem of cultural identity in the situation of contemporary dialogue of cultures” within the project of Jean Monnet Module Erasmus+ “Civil society in conflict resolution process: the EU experience for Ukraine” (101084973 – EURoCoRP – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH), aims to popularize the values of EU civil society in the process of conflict resolution and raise awareness of contemporary hybrid conflicts.
For reference:
Students, researchers, teachers, representatives of professional communities and civil society are invite to participate the conference.
To participate in the conference, please fill out the Google form till May 15, 2025.
The main topics of the conference:
- Identity and civil society.
- Modern and postmodern searches for identity: the experience of the EU.
- Identity of the Stranger and "foreign" identity in Europe
- The problem of the ratio of global and local identities.
- Conflict of identities in modern society: political, national, cultural, religious, etc.
- Stability of identities in conditions of hybrid conflicts.
The forms of work are online and offline.
The languages of the conference are English, Ukrainian, Polish.
The conference proceedings will be published.
Requirements for the preparation of materials:
- the text of the article should be at least 5 pages;
- the material should be prepared in MS Word format, A4 page size (all margins - 2 cm), line spacing -1.5; font Times New Roman, size 14;
- paragraph indentation should be set automatically to 1.25 cm. (Attention: it is not allowed to create paragraphs using spaces or the Tab key);
- align the text by width;
- references are page-by-page;
- on the first page, the author's name and surname should be placed in the upper right corner; then the title of the article should be in capital letters (centered); from the next line - abstracts and keywords in Ukrainian and English (approximately 5-7 lines). At the beginning of the abstract, provide a translation of the author's name and initials and the title of the article in English;
- the list of references and bibliography should be prepared following the current requirements of DSTU 8302:2015 of Ukraine.
The author is responsible for the quality and content of the publications.
Participation and printing of conference materials are free of charge. For more information about the conference organization, don't hesitate to contact or 380961235950 - Kateryna Yakunina.
For reference:
Project “Civil society in conflict resolution process: the EU experience for Ukraine” (101084973 — EURoCoRP — ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH) implemented by the National University of Ostroh Academy with co-financing from the European Union, and it aims to promote the EU values of civil society in the conflict resolution process and increase awareness about the present conflicts hybrid type.