The National University of Ostroh Academy is the successor of Ostroh Slavic, Greek and Latin Academy, the first higher educational establishment of the Eastern Slavs.


The National University of Ostroh Academy receive the status of autonomous research national higher educational establishment.


Ostroh Academy University library which provides the resources for research and educational purposes, the access to the electronic catalogue of the library and foreign library networks.


Ostroh Academy abounds with the projects which welcome the students willing to actively participate, reveal their creative potential and realize their selves.


The National University of Ostroh Academy invites foreigners to become students of one of the most prestigious educational institution. More information can be found here.


Yurii Voitenko gave a lecture at the Ostroh Academy
On May 31, a director of the Northwestern regional office of Privatbank Yurii Voitenko visited the National University of Ostroh Academy. He gave a lecture on "How to Achieve Success" for students of the Faculty of Economics.
June 01, 2018

Lecturers of the NUOA took part in the School for Improving Academic English Writing Skills "Academic Integrity in Transitional Societies"
During three last days of May, lecturers of the National University of Ostroh Academy participated in the School for Improving Academic English Writing Skills "Academic Integrity in Transitional Societies", which took place in village Poliana, Zakarpatska Oblast. In particular, in this even took part a Head of Legal Department Olha Balatska and a lecturer of the Department of the English Language and Literature Kateryna Simak.
June 01, 2018

Students of the Ostroh Academy were honored to get scolarships and grants from the Ukrainian Diaspora
On May 30, the National University of Ostroh Academy hosted the awarding of scholarships and grants from the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada for graduate, undergraduate and post-graduate students. The Dr. Volodymyr Kuz Fund scholarships for healthy lifestyle were presented by Vira Malanchii, the niece of the founder of the Dr. Volodymyr Kuz Fund and the Honoured Member of Ostroh Academic Society.
May 31, 2018

A concert of young musicians took place in the Ostroh Academy
On May 29, at the National University of Ostroh Academy winners of international competitions - 14-year-old violinist Nazar Plyska-Pasichnyk and 13-year-old pianist Angelina Datseniuk held a charity concert of classical music.
May 31, 2018

Student of the Faculty of Economics won a Prize in the Contest
A fourth-year student of specialty "Business Economics" of the Faculty of Economics of the NUOA Yana Nechyporuk took the third place in the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the disciplines "Business Economics" and "Finance", which was held in Dnipro at the Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture.
May 30, 2018

Melodious gift to the Ostroh Academy by Danylo Saienko
On May 24 the National University of Ostroh Academy hosted a concert by a young Lviv pianist Danylo Saienko. He presented works of Richard Wagner, Frédéric Chopin, Joseph Haydn, Franz Liszt, Maurice Ravel, and Sergei Rachmaninoff.
May 28, 2018

Are you for or against cryptocurrency?
At the National University of Ostroh Academy was hold a debate on "Cryptocurrency as a Way of Payment in the Territory of Ukraine: Pros and Cons". The event took place within the framework of the celebration of the week of the Faculty of Economics.
May 24, 2018

Saints Cyril and Methodius' Day
May 24th is a day when all Slavic countries annually join in honoring the memory of Cyril and Methodius, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Enlighteners, preachers of Christianity and the creators of the Slavic alphabet.
May 24, 2018

At the NUOA students get to grips with the art of rhetoric
On Tuesday, May 22, the training "Fundamentals of Modern Rhetoric" was held at the Ostroh Academy. The speaker was the Head of the Rivne regional branch of the NGO “Solidarna Molod” Maksym Volovych.
May 23, 2018

The problems of cultural identity through the prism of the dialogue of cultures were discussed at the NUOA
The 11th International Scientific Conference "The Problems of Cultural Identity in the Modern Dialogue of Cultures " was held at the National University of Ostroh Academy. The event took place on May 18-19.
May 20, 2018

Congratulations on the Europe Day in Ukraine!
The EU Information Center at the National University of Ostroh Academy congratulates all students on the Europe Day in Ukraine.
May 20, 2018

During One Night History Comes to Life...
During the evening of May 17th and the night of May 18th, museums change their schedules and open their doors at an unusual time of the day. For museum employees, it is an opportunity to use a new, non-standard arsenal of exhibits such as directing, scenography, musical accompaniment, and also to invite actors and once again combine everything in order to create a mystical atmosphere of history.
May 19, 2018

Week of the Faculty of Humanities: Four Freedoms, Master Classes and Art
From May 14th to May 18th students of the Ostroh Academy were able to dip into the atmosphere of art, freedom of creativity and "bee colors". This week flourished under the banners of the Faculty of Humanities.
May 19, 2018

Leonid Yakobchuk presented his new book at the Ostroh Acade
On May 17, the National University of Ostroh Academy hosted a presentation of the book “Stezhka Moho Zhyttia” (“Pathway of My Life”) written by the Doctor Honoris Causa of theology, professor of the Department of Religious Studies and Theolohy of the NUOA Leonid Yakobchuk.
May 18, 2018

Student Gained "Bronze" in the All-Ukrainian Olympiad on History
Denys Havryliuk, a fourth-year student of the specialty "History", gained the III place in the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad on History, which took place on May 17-18 in the Pavlo Tychyna Uman Pedagogical University.
May 18, 2018

Freedom of Creativity: about Social Flaws, Original Style and Dress Made from Videotapes
On May 16, at The National University of Ostroh Academy a student Yevhen Malchyk gave a lecture on the development of creativity, the search for unique style and non-standard ideas, and the beginning of the making of video, animations and collages. Yevhen became interested in photography about 6-7 years ago.
May 17, 2018

Project “Ukraїner” was Presented in The National University of Ostroh Academy
“Ukraїner” is a media project that shares interesting stories about people, art and the most distant corners of Ukraine. The presentation of the project took place on May 15 at the Ostroh Academy.
May 17, 2018

About Aggressive Journalism by Ihor Koltunov: Top 8 Tips
On May 16, a Ukrainian journalist, correspondent of the program "Hroshi" on the 1 + 1 channel Ihor Koltunov visited the National University of Ostroh Academy and gave a lecture on aggressive journalism.
May 17, 2018

Collecting of comic books by Maksym Karpovets and Olesia Hoshchuk
On May 15, the National University of Ostroh Academy hosted a lecture on collecting. Speakers were the acting Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Ph.D. Maksym Karpovets and the Head of the Center for Tourist Information, art expert Olesia Hoshchuk. The event took place as a part of the celebration devoted to the week of the Faculty of Humanities.
May 16, 2018

Students of the Faculty of International Relations Visited the Directorate-General for Rendering Services to Diplomatic Missions
Who among students at the Faculty of International Relations does not dream of becoming a diplomat? On May 15, a group of students of the Faculty of International Relations of the National University of Ostroh Academy and members of the youth section of the Learned Society for the History of Diplomacy and International Relations approached this goal, having visited the State Enterprise “The Directorate-General for Rendering Services to Diplomatic Missions” in Kyiv.
May 16, 2018

Everything you wanted to know about the Eurovision
On May 16, students of the Faculty of Political Studies and Information Management organized a protmušis on the topic of Eurovision and peculiarities of its organization and holding.
May 16, 2018

How was the festival "Ostroh - Renaissance"
The "Ostroh-Renaissance" festival takes place for the third time. It is dedicated to the preservation of the cultural heritage. The event lasted from 11th to 13th May.
May 16, 2018

Attention to the entrants to the magistracy of NUOA 2018!
Registration for admission to the master course continues From May 14 to June 5. What list of documents to prepare, in which city to hand over and what entrance examinations are to be made In an official explanation you can read what list of documents to prepare, in which city to pass and what entrance examinations you have to take.
May 16, 2018

The Student of the Faculty of Economics won the Regional contest of student projects
Yelyzaveta Kondratiuk, who is a student of the Faculty of Economics of the specialty "Finance and Credit", won the Regional contest of student projects "Development of Territorial Communities", having taken the third place.
May 15, 2018

Another victory for the students of the Faculty of Economics
The students of the master's degree program of the specialty "Finance, Banking and Insurance" of the NUOA won in the 2nd round of the all-Ukrainian academic competition in the discipline "Financial Management".
May 15, 2018

Alina Ponomarenko: "For me, collages are the manifestation of internal freedom"
On Monday, May 14, students of the Ostroh Academy were able to practice in the creation of collages in the workshop from Alina Ponomarenko. She is a 3rd year student at the Cultural Studies Faculty of the Humanities Department, who successfully works with glossy editions of Elle and Harper's Bazaar, Ukrainian and foreign brands.
May 15, 2018

A first-aid emergency training was held at the NUOA
To the World Day of the Red Cross and Red Crescent the Department of Public Health of NUOA and the Rivne regional Organization of the Red Cross of Ukraine organized and conducted a master class for the provision of first emergency care. The training was held under the slogan "Do not be indifferent, do not pass by".
May 15, 2018

The winners of the essay contest on public health were defined
At the National University of Ostroh Academy it was summarized the results of an online student essay contest on "Public Health: My Understanding" conducted by the Department of Public Health at the NUOA.
May 15, 2018

Student of specialty "Cultural Studies" won in the scholarship program "Zavtra.UA"
The 6th year student of specialty "Cultural Studies" Nataliia Lisovets won the Victor Pinchuk Foundation`s scholarship program for the second time.
May 14, 2018

The Student of the Faculty of International Relations won the academic competition in the discipline "English Language"
Yevhenii Terentiev, who is a student of the Department of International Relations, took the 2nd place in the second round of the all-Ukrainian academic competition in the discipline "English Language", which took place at the Lviv Polytechnic National University.
May 13, 2018