The National University of Ostroh Academy is the successor of Ostroh Slavic, Greek and Latin Academy, the first higher educational establishment of the Eastern Slavs.


The National University of Ostroh Academy receive the status of autonomous research national higher educational establishment.


Ostroh Academy University library which provides the resources for research and educational purposes, the access to the electronic catalogue of the library and foreign library networks.


Ostroh Academy abounds with the projects which welcome the students willing to actively participate, reveal their creative potential and realize their selves.


The National University of Ostroh Academy invites foreigners to become students of one of the most prestigious educational institution. More information can be found here.


Serhiy Hrabar Visited Ostroh Academy
On 2 February writer Serhii Hrabar had a meeting with the students of Ostroh Academy National University
February 03, 2011

Day of Science at FRGL
All-Ukrainian Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Linguistic and Sociocultural Aspects of Communication" took place on 2 February within the 10th anniversary celebration of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages
February 02, 2011

Musical and Beauty Evening “The Sound of Music”
Artistic event The Sound of Music dedicated to the 10th anniversary celebrations at the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages took place on 2 February
February 02, 2011

Ukraine 2010: Diagnosis, Projection, Therapy?
On 28 January the Department of Politisal Studies jointly with the Centre for Political Research Ostroh Academy National University held a round table discussion Ukraine 2010: Diagnosis, projection, therapy
January 28, 2011

'Make Academy Greener' Campaign Got Underway
On the initiative of Ukrainian-Canadian student exchange programme 'Canada World Youth' that has been functioning in Ostroh Academy for over a decade, and the Student Brotherhood, garbage sorting and recycling campaign 'Make Academy Greener' got underway on 27 January
January 27, 2011

Oleksandr Irvanets Celebrates Jubilee In Ostroh Academy
A meeting with a famous writer Oleksandr Irvanets on the occasion of his 50th anniversary took place in Ostroh Academy National University
January 25, 2011

Culture Studies Website Launched
A culture study web page was launched in National University of Ostroh Academy. It can be accessed on-line at
January 25, 2011

Best Traditions of Intellectual Communication
The Day of Sobornist in Ostroh Academy is traditionally marked by the visit of Larysa Ivshyna, editor-in-chief of newspaper The Day. This year the topic covered the foundations of journalistic skills
January 21, 2011

Modern Literature Reader's Club Discussed New Novel By Oleksandr Irvanets
The Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages held another literary discussion on 20 January. This time the book lovers discussed a new novel by Oleksandr Irvanets Liebenkraft's Disease. The event gathered a wide audience of readers from the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages
January 20, 2011

Ostroh Academy Opened Ivan Kardash Centre of Anciently Printed Books
A solemn opening ceremony of the first in Ukraine Centre for the study of anciently printed books named after old books collector Ivan Kardash was held in Ostroh Academy National University
January 20, 2011

Student Leadership School Organized Second Training
The second training within the framework of the project by Student Brotherhood "Student Leadership School" took place in Ostroh Academy. The training was dedicated to time management and goal-setting
January 20, 2011

Miracles Occur in Ostroh Academy
On 19 January 2011 a New Year's concert "When miracles occur... " of creative teams of the Academy was held in the student club
January 19, 2011

Christmas Caroling In Ostroh
On 16 January 2011 Ostroh Academy student and teachers church of Saint Fedir Ostrozkyi hosted the 6th All-Ukrainian festival of Christmas carols. Singing groups from Rivne, Kmelnytskyi and Ternopil regions took part in the festival
January 16, 2011

Friends Meet Again at the New Year's Masquerade
It has become a tradition at Ostroh Academy to hold a masquerade after the season's vacation
January 12, 2011

Ukrainian Diaspora Supports Ostroh Academy
The editorial staff of newspaper Svoboda of Ukrainian diaspora in the USA received a statement from World Scientific Council under Ukrainian World Congress, and also Ukrainian American Association of University Professors on the bill on higher education of Ukraine
January 10, 2011

Vice-Rector Kraliuk Attended Olsztyn Conference
Petro Kraliuk, First Vice-Rector of Ostroh Academy National University, took part in the seminar and delivered the report The Identity of Ukrainian Population
May 24, 2009

21st Century Communication Technologies Discussed In Ostroh Academy
On 22-23 May the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference Communication Technologies of the 21st Century took place in Ostroh Academy
May 23, 2009

Week of the College of the Humanities Held in Ostroh Academy
The week of the College of the Humanities was held in Ostroh Academy on 18-21 May. The students of the College have organized many interesting events and different actions
May 22, 2009

Bible Principles of Life and Ministry
On 21 May the presentation of the book Bible Principles of Life and ministry written by Honorary Doctor of Theology and Professor of the Department of Religious Studies of Ostroh Academy National University Leonid Yakobchuk took place in Ostroh Academy National University
May 21, 2009

Day of Europe In Ostroh Academy
The Day of Europe is a holiday celebrated in all the countries of the European Union on 9 May. In Milan on 9 May 1985 the decision to approve this day the Day of Europe was taken, it is also considered to be the Day of EU creation. In Ukraine this holiday was officially confirmed in 2003 and is celebrated every third Saturday of May
May 21, 2009

Children’s Book Promotion In OA
On 21 May writer Ivan Andrusiak visited Ostroh Academy National University
May 20, 2009

Here They Listen to Intellectual Music
On 21 May an art evening was held in Ostroh Academy. It has been organized for three years and may become a traditional one
May 20, 2009

Ostroh Academy Students In the Vanguard
Olena Mykhalchuk, a third-year- student of the College of Law of Ostroh Academy National University, took the third place among 170 participants of the All-Ukrainian English Lnaguage Student Contest, which took place on 14 March in Donetsk State University of Management
May 19, 2009

Spring Football Tournament
Academy Cup football competition started in Ostroh Academy National University
May 18, 2009

Financial System of Ukraine: Formation and Development
On 15-16 May the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Teachers’ Conference Financial System of Ukraine: Formation and Development took place in Ostroh Academy National University
May 16, 2009

Youth Upbringing On Christian Values Again Discussed In Ostroh
The international scientific and practical conference Youth Upbringing On Christian Moral Values: The Urgent Issues of Teaching and Upbringing In the Works of Scientists of Academician Yevtukh Scientific School was held on 15-16 May in Ostroh Academy National University
May 15, 2009

Ostroh Academy Students Honoured In Kharkiv
The 3rd year students of documentation and information took part in All-Ukrainian Conference The 21st Century Culture and Information Society held in Kharkiv on 23-24 May 2009
May 07, 2009

Ostroh Academy Students Won Again
The students of the College of Political Studies and Information Management of Ostroh Academy National University Mykhailo Mozol and Vadym Tabakera won in the debate on the topic Joining NATO and Esuring Political, Economical and Military Security of Ukraine held on 7 Aplril in Rivne National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use
April 15, 2009

Economics Students Shared Experience
On 10 April the Fourth International Scientific and Practical Student Conference Problems and Prospects of Economic Development In Market Conditions took place in Ostroh Academy National University. It was one more possibility for economics students from different higher educational institutions to discuss burning issues concerninng market relations formation in our country. There were also visitors from Belarus
April 10, 2009

Mykola Tomenko Lectured In Ostroh
Mykola Tomenko, Vice-Chairman of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, visited Ostroh Academy National University on 9 April
April 10, 2009