News archive
The cycle of lectures of the U.S. Army Lieutenant General Ben Hodges continues at Ostroh Academy
On September 28, the fourth lecture of Ben Hodges, Lieutenant General of the US Army (Retired), Senior Adviser of the organization «Human Rights First», was held at the National University of Ostroh Academy. The topic of the lecture was «Prospects for the Establishment of an International Tribunal for russia».
28 September 2023
Teaching course «Resilience in Education: Ukrainian-Slovak-Polish-Czech Experience» continues at Ostroh Academy
The teaching course «Resilience in Education: Ukrainian-Slovak-Polish-Czech Experience» for the students of Ostroh Academy continues. The course has been implementing within the framework of the Visegrad Fund project «Resilience Approach in Cross-Cultural Training of Future Teachers in Ukraine and V4 Countries». On September 21, Ruslana Kalamazh, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Vice-Rector for Teaching and Student’s Affairs delivered a lecture about a university as an area of psychological resilience in the conditions of war.
21 September 2023
Ostroh Academy continues active cooperation with the University of St Andrews (Scotland)
In November 2022, the National University of Ostroh Academy signed cooperation agreement with the University of St Andrews. Cooperation between universities is possible within the program TWINNING and with assistance of Cormack Consultancy Group.
19 September 2023
Teaching course «Resilience in Education: Ukrainian-Slovak-Polish-Czech Experience» has commenced
On the 4th of September, the first lecture of the teaching course «Resilience in Education: Ukrainian-Slovak-Polish-Czech Experience» for the students of the National University of Ostroh Academy took place.
04 September 2023