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Department of National Security and Political Science


Head of the Department: Mykola Romanov

Contact Information:
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Senior Assistant: Svitlana Matsiievskа

Contact Information:
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

General information about the Department

The Department of National Security and Political Science was established in 2001. Prior to the opening of the specialty “National Security (Certain Areas of Provision and Activities)” in 2017, it was called the Department of Political Science.

The Department trains professionals in two specialties:

  • 052 Political Science – full cycle (BS, MS, PhD);
  • 256 National Security (Certain Areas of Provision and Activities) – BS, MS.

In 2013, the Master’s program in Political Science joined the “Studia Wschodnie” program at the University of Warsaw. The joint program gives the opportunity to receive two diplomas at once: a master’s degree in political science from the Ostroh Academy and a master’s degree from the “Studia Wschodnie” program at the University of Warsaw.

Areas of research

The staff of the Department is working on a complex research topic: “Political Transformations in Ukraine: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis,” state registration number 0119U103085. Supervisor: Doctor of Political Science, Prof. Y. V. Matsiievskyi.

In 2019, the Department became a participant in the European Union international project “Erasmus + WARN – “Academic Response to Hybrid Threats” (610133-EPP-1-2019-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) carried out in partnership with universities in Ukraine, France, Estonia, Portugal and Finland.

Research centers and laboratories

Peculiarities of the programs

Bachelor of Science in National Security

  • Subject area – 25 Military Sciences, National Security, State Border Security.
  • Specialty – 256 National Security (Certain Areas of Provision and Activities).

The goal of the program is to provide the public sector with qualified specialists who have systematic knowledge in the field of security and related fields, are able to think critically and solve a wide range of application tasks in the field of national security in the conditions of dynamic changes and current challenges.

Master of Science in National Security

  • Subject area – 25 Military Sciences, National Security, State Border Security.
  • Specialty – 256 National Security (Certain Areas of Provision and Activities).

The purpose of the program is to provide the public sector of Ukraine with highly qualified specialists in the field of national security management and to form a new generation of specialists with appropriate competencies, who able to think systematically and innovatively, application problems in the conditions of dynamic changes and current challenges.

Bachelor of Science in Political Science

  • Subject area – 05 Social and Behavioral Sciences.
  • Specialty – 052 Political Science.

The program is aimed at training multi-skilled professionals for the needs of the region and the country as a whole, who have theoretical knowledge and practical skills to work in the state and local government, public and political associations as well as the media. The program has an explicit empirical orientation with an emphasis on the use of quantitative methods in theoretical and applied political research.

Master of Science in Political Science

  • Subject area – 05 Social and Behavioral Sciences.
  • Specialty – 052 Political Science.

The Master of Political Science is a specialist in the study of political phenomena and processes taking place in Ukraine and the world. The work of a political scientist is to describe, explain and analyze political events, which also involves making recommendations in various spheres of public life. The profession of a political scientist provides an opportunity to participate in politics, study it, or influence its implementation at various levels.

Doctor of Philosophy

  • Subject area – 05 Social and Behavioral Sciences.
  • Specialty – 052 Political Science.

The program has a research orientation that combines theoretical, practical and didactic components. The theoretical component is provided by methodological courses that allow students to deepen their social and professional skills. The practical component allows to deepen research competencies by writing articles and presenting them at scientific events. The didactic component promotes the development of pedagogical skills during postgraduate internship. The acquired competencies can be implemented in research, expert, educational, social and socio-political spheres.