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Department of International Relations


Head of the Department: Tetiana Sydoruk, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor

Contact Information:
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Assistant: Anastasiia Hlushchenko

Contact Information:
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

General information about the Department

The Department of International Relations was established on November 1, 2010 by reorganizing the Department of International Relations and Regional Studies. The head of the Department is Professor Tetiana V. Sydoruk, Doctor of Political Sciences.

Educational activities of the Department

The Department of International Relations trains bachelors, masters and doctors of philosophy in specialty "International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies" in full-time (bachelors) as well as full-time and part-time (masters and doctors of philosophy) forms of study.

The educational program "International Relations" of the first level of higher education (bachelor’s degree) includes mandatory study of two foreign languages, scientific research practice, introductory internship and translation practice, in-depth study of the foreign policy of states. The content and structure of the program provide an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills and carry out professional activities in the fields of foreign policy and international relations, hold primary positions in governmental bodies at various levels, in international organizations and NGOs, in diplomatic representations, in commercial structures and research institutions.

The educational program "International Relations" of the second level of higher education (master’s degree) is aimed at the formation of students' system of general and special competencies in the field of international relations and foreign policy, integration and disintegration processes, international and national security, analytical and diplomatic activities, the use of foreign languages in their career, as well as practical professional training.

The educational and scientific program "International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies" of the third level of higher education is aimed at formation of general and professional competencies among applicants, which are sufficient to conduct scientific research on international relations. It combines professional theoretical training, postgraduate practice teaching and research work of applicants.

The Department actively cooperates with specialized institutions and research institutes, where applicants undergo traineeships and internships. The students of this specialty also take part in international exchange programs with universities in Canada, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania and other countries.

In order to ensure high quality education in bachelor's and master's degree programs, the department involves professional practitioners to teach professional disciplines.

Scientific activities of the Department’s staff

The Department conducts scientific research on the complex topic "International Cooperation and Integration Processes in the Formation of the New World Order" (supervised by Prof. T. V. Sydoruk). The Department has a Center for European Studies, the main purpose of which is to conduct modern research in the field of European studies, publish the results and implement them in the educational process. The staff of the department are authors of articles on topical issues of international relations in leading Ukrainian professional and foreign journals, popular science periodicals; they present reports at conferences, review dissertation research, train postgraduate students. The Head of the Department T. V. Sydoruk is the chief editor of a scientific journal Foreign Affairs.