Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations and National Security

Director of the Institute: Olena Shershnova, PhD in Public Administration
Contact Information:
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Deputy Director for Quality Assurance of Education Natalia Konopka, PhD in History, Associate Professor
Contact Information:
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Deputy Director for Educational Guidance: Yelyzaveta Tymoschuk
Contact Information:
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Deputy Director for Research: Marchuk Volodymyr, PhD in History, Associate Professor
Contact Information:
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Assistant of the dean’s office: Polina Poliakova
Contact Information:
Office hours: Monday - Thursday: 8.30 a.m. – 17.15 p.m.; Friday: 8.30 – 16.00
Assistant of the dean’s office: Mazurenko Olena
Contact Information:
Office hours: Monday - Thursday: 8.30 a.m. – 17.15 p.m.; Friday: 8.30 – 16.00
General information about the educational programs of the Institute
Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations and National Security was established according to the Directive of the Rector of the National University of Ostroh Academy № 55 dated May 31, 2021.
Mission of the Institute
The mission of the Institute is to prepare leaders – competitive specialists in the spheres defined by educational and professional as well as educational and scientific programs “International Relations,” “International Regional Studies,” “National Security,” “Political Science,” “History and Archaeology,” “Documentation Science and Information Activities.” A student is the main part of the educational process. The aim of the academic staff is to form a highly educated, knowledgeable, nationally conscious, honest, caring and creative personality, who is capable of self-development, learning new professional skills, logical and critical thinking.
Vision of the Institute
The main purpose is to create a professional and creative atmosphere in order to provide students with a clear system of knowledge and skills that contribute to their successful fulfilment in professional and social environment.
Our Values
Student-centricity and personality development
A student is the main part of the educational process and we strive to help him/her develop the best human and professional qualities: erudition, responsibility, patriotism, teamwork skills, leadership, and constant self-improvement.
We implement and adhere to the highest standards in teaching, learning and research.
We teach students to be active in studying and social life, encourage their initiative and responsibility in all areas of social activity.
The content of educational programs, the system of educational process organization, the involvement of leading Ukrainian and foreign researchers and practitioners in the institute, respect for the individual trajectory of the student, the opportunity to participate in foreign educational and scientific exchanges, and other instruments develop communication skills and form the ability to study consciously. Each graduate should become a self-sufficient individual who is ready to think critically, can improve him-/herself and be a leader able to solve diverse complex problems.
List of specialties
Bachelor’s degree (the first level of higher education):
- 291 International Relations, Public Communications, and Regional Studies. Educational and professional program: “International Relations”;
- 291 International Relations, Public Communications, and Regional Studies. Educational and professional program: “International Regional Studies”;
- 291 International Relations, Public Communications, and Regional Studies. Educational and professional program: “Country Studies”;
- 032 History and Archaeology. Educational and professional program: "History and Archaeology”;
- 256 National Security (by separate spheres of provision and types of activity). Educational and professional program: “National Security (by separate spheres of provision and types of activity)”;
- 052 Political Science. Educational and professional program: "Political Science”;
- 029 Information, Library and Archives Management. Educational and professional program: “Information, Library and Archives Management".
Master’s Degree (the second level of higher education):
- 291 International Relations, Public Communications, and Regional Studies. Educational and professional program: “International Relations”;
- 291 International Relations, Public Communications, and Regional Studies. Educational and professional program: “Country Studies”;
- 032 History and Archaeology. Educational and professional program: "History and Archaeology”;
- 256 National Security (by separate spheres of provision and types of activity). Educational and professional program: “National Security (by separate spheres of provision and types of activity)”;
- 052 Political Science. Educational and professional program: "Political Science”;
- 029 Information, Library and Archives Management. Educational and professional program: “Information, Library and Archives Management".
Postgraduate Studies (the third level of higher education):
- 291 International Relations, Public Communications, and Regional Studies;
- 032 History and Archaeology;
- 052 Political Science.
The Institute is the base for the Specialized Academic Council D 48.125.02. (specialty 07.00.01 – History of Ukraine) that provides the opportunity to defend PhD and doctoral dissertations. It is also possible to participate in doctoral studies at the Institute.
Departments of the Institute
- Department of International Relations
- Department of Regional Studies
- Prof. M. Kovalsky Department of History
- Department of National Security and Political Science
- Department of Documentation Science and Information Activities
Scientific activities of the Institute
Areas of research:
The Department of the International Relations carries out a comprehensive research on "International Cooperation and Integration Processes in the Formation of the New World Order," state registration number 0121U109142. The scientific supervisor is the Doctor of Political Science, Professor Tetiana Sydoruk. The Center for European Studies also works at the Department.
The Department of Regional Studies together with the Laboratory for the Study of International Relations in Central and Eastern Europe of 10th-21st centuries carries out a comprehensive research on “The Integration and Incorporation Processes in East-Central Europe and South-East Europe of 16th – 21st centuries,” state registration number 0116U005531. The scientific supervisor – PhD in History, Associate Professor Serhii Rudko.
The Prof. M. Kovalsky Department of History carries out a comprehensive research on “The Topical Problems of Ukrainian History and Historiography of Modern Times,” state registration number 0117U001305. The scientific supervisor is PhD in History, Associate Professor Mykola Blyzniak. The Volyn History Research Center works at the Department.
The Department of National Security and Political Science carries out a comprehensive research on “Political Transformations in Ukraine: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis,” state registration number 0119U103085. The scientific supervisor is the Doctor of Political Science, Professor Yurii Matsievskyi. The Department includes “Polis” School of Political Analysis, the Center for Political Studies, and the Laboratory for Hybrid Threats to National Security Research.
The Department of Documentation Science and Information Activities carries out a comprehensive research on “Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Understanding Cultural Texts," state registration number 0109U001581. The scientific supervisor is PhD in Art History, Associate Professor Yaroslava Bondarchuk.
Professional scientific journals:
The Prof. M. Kovalsky Department of History annually publishes an academic journal Scientific Notes of Ostroh Academy National University, “Historical Sciences” Series, which is included in the list of professional journals on historical sciences (the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated September 24, 2020 № 1188 (Category “B”). The periodical is included in the following international scientometric databases: Index Copernicus, Scientific Electronic Library (license agreement № 583-09/2014 dated 29.09.2014) and Slavic Humanities Index.
Internships and exchanges
Faculty students have the opportunity to participate in practical training in Ukraine and abroad, as well as actively take part in academic mobility programs.
Student organizations
Both undergraduate and postgraduate students of the institute are united by the Oleksandr Ohloblyn Scientific Society (supervisor – Nazar Martyniuk), and Youth Section of the Scientific Society of History of Diplomacy and International Relations (supervisor – Yaroslav Burkut). Scientific conferences are held, student’s research collections and journals Terra Incognita and Ad Fontes are published.

Student self-government is represented by the Student Council of Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations and National Security.
Acting Student Council Chairman is Yana Lukianchuk.
Contact: e-mail: