Department of Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education

Head of the Department: Zoya Stoliar, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Contact information: new academic building, classroom 215
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 2 p.m – 5 p.m.

Senior Assistant: Alina Dovha
Contact information: new academic building, classroom 215
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 2 p.m – 5 p.m.
General Information
The Department of Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education was established by the Rector's Order "On Amendments to the Organizational Structure of the National University of Ostroh Academy and Approval of its New Version" No. 88 of September 28, 2023, according to which the section of primary education was separated from the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy. Zoya Stoliar, Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, was appointed Acting Department Head.
The department trains specialists in specialty 013, "Primary Education." It provides the educational process of the first (bachelor's) level program, "Primary Education with Advanced Study of English," and the second (master's) level program, "Primary Education."
Researchers and practicing teachers with experience in research and teaching primary school students are involved in teaching in educational programs in the specialty 013 "Primary Education." In the academic year 2023-2024, the department joined the educational project of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and The LEGO Foundation to introduce game and activity-based learning methods into the educational process of academic institutions.
Specifics of Educational Programs
Field of knowledge – 01 Education/Pedagogy
Specialty – 013 Primary Education
The purpose of the educational program is to train primary school teachers who have the necessary competencies to implement the tasks of the specialty "Primary Education" by the State Standards, by the value orientations of the concept "New Ukrainian School," taking into account the specifics of teaching English to primary school students, to ensure the quality of the educational process and the mental health of its participants.
The educational and professional program forms modern general and professional competencies of applicants in the specialty "Primary Education," provides for familiarization with traditional and innovative educational technologies, features of organizing a positive (sanitary), psychologically safe, inclusive academic environment through the prism of the resistance approach, taking into account the peculiarities of primary psychological education (education) of parents of primary school students to ensure the quality of the educational process and mental health of its participants. The academic program provides for in-depth study of the English language, including in the disciplines taught in English.
Field of knowledge – 01 Education/Pedagogy
Specialty – 013 Primary Education
The purpose of the educational program is to train nationally conscious, scientifically erudite, and competitive specialists in the field of primary education, capable of solving complex pedagogical tasks and problems, conducting research on the theory and methods of primary education, having oral and written professional speech in various communication situations, providing psychological support to participants in the educational process and taking care of the mental health of primary school students.
The educational program focuses on forming and deepening the professional competencies of a future primary school teacher, mastering the ability to provide psychological support to primary school students and provide pedagogical support to participants in the educational process, develop their methodological system in professional activities, and manage the educational process.
The peculiarity of the program is to train specialists who have thorough skills in conducting scientific, pedagogical research in the field of primary education, formation of future primary school teachers' competencies to provide psychological support to students, identify signs of psychological trauma and other psychological conditions, organize a safe educational environment and take care of the mental health of primary school students.