Department of Journalism and PR Management

Head of the Department: Roman Shulyk, PhD, Associate Professor
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 2 p.m – 5 p.m.

Senior Assistant: Victoria Shylan
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 9 a.m – 6 p.m.
General Information
The Department of Journalism and PR Management was established by the order of the Rector № 4 in 2010 as part of the Faculty of Humanities. Later, the Department of Journalism and PR Management was established by the order of the Rector № 55 in 2021 as part of the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Management.
The Department of Journalism and PR Management provides teaching and learning journalism, radio, photography, and PR at the university. In 2014, the program released the first graduates of journalists who received bachelor’s degrees in journalism with the following specialization “Specialist in TV, Radio, Internet Journalism and Photography”.
The main goal of the Department is to prepare bachelors and masters in higher education. In its activities the Department is guided by the tasks of development of humanitarian education in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Education”, as well as the program “Education of the XXI century”.
The program also includes modern innovative teaching methods, meetings with famous people, study/research visits to leading regional and national media, workshops by highly professional journalists.
Specifics of Educational Programs
Bachelor of Journalism
Field of knowledge – 06 Journalism
Specialty – 061 Journalism
The purpose of this program is to prepare professionally competent graduates who are able to effectively carry out information and communication activities in the media space of Ukraine and the world, productively perform professional and applied tasks in the field of social communications, adhering to professional standards, code of ethics, adapting to civil and information society.
The program is aimed primarily at training value-oriented professionals who are aware of their responsibility to society, adhere to legislation, standards, and ethics. The degree educational and professional program provides proficiency in English at a high level; requires special training and production practices, opportunities for professional internships during training; participation of students in professional training programs, regional all-Ukrainian and international master classes, scientific events.
Master of Journalism
Field of knowledge – 06 Journalism
Specialty – 061 Journalism
The goal of the program is to prepare specialists who are able to effectively conduct information and communication activities, guided by the principles of equality, non-discrimination, inclusiveness, and comprehensively prepared for media project activities. The program has a clear practical orientation, deepens the competencies of students in the field of professional journalism, media activities. It provides individual and group project work, developing competencies in the field of media management.
Graduates of Journalism and PR Management can work as:
- correspondents in national and foreign publications
- reviewers in international, political, and cultural publications
- radio and TV journalists
- presenters on radio and television
- public relations and advertising staff
- press secretaries in state and non-state institutions
- editors of studios, TV programs, and online publications
- literary and research editors
Laboratories and Workshops
- Research and Practical Laboratory of Journalistic Skills J.Lab (Head – Roman Shulyk, PhD, Associate Professor). It is a creative hub of non-formal media education, which was formed and operates at the Department of Journalism and PR Management. The laboratory is a coworking space where every willing student or team can find everything they need to learn, create, and realize their own media project. The laboratory is active 4 days a week, during which various activities are carried out, divided into groups (according to the leading Harvard teaching method Leaders of learning Richard Elmore): individual hierarchical (work with a mentor), individual distribution (independent work), collective hierarchical trainings and master classes, collective distribution (training in a group of like-minded people, project work)
- Workshop “TV journalism” (Head – Oleksii Kostiuchenko). It is aimed to form a student’s professional skills and abilities, disclosure of creative potential in the field of modern TV. It involves discussing the professional standards of a television journalist, the basic methods and techniques of making a television story, working in front of a video camera, etc. One of the goals is to prepare informational stories on the official YouTube channel of Ostroh Academy, Sfera-TV, RTB, Rivne-1.
- Radio Studio “OST Radio”. The purpose is to promote and popularize main achievements of cultural, historical, and scientific life of the National University of Ostroh Academy. Also, the radio provides background music for the university, highlights key events and interviews students, faculty, and celebrities.