PWP – Professional Education for labour market needs on Departments of Modern Language of KUL

Number of application for assistance: POKL.04.01.01-00-100/13
Partners: John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, The National University of “Ostroh Academy”
The major objective of the transnational project is to implement by June 2015 a support programme for students and the teaching staff of the Institute of Slavic Studies (henceforth as IFS) at KUL as regards competences in professional communication in Ukrainian. Another important objective is to develop a close cooperation between KUL and employers through the adaptation and development of new didactic solutions to the needs of the labour market.
The aim of the project is to help realize the following working objectives of the project:
- Raising professional competences of the students of Slavic Studies at KUL, by offering them a specialization programme within a modified curriculum in language studies (neophilology) so that they can better respond to the current demands of the labour market.
- Enhancing the research and didactic potential of the research and teaching staff of IFS though the programme of foreign internships.
- Exchange of experience between the academia and the employers – during a scientific conference devoted to philological education for professional purposes.
The project achieved the following key results:
1) designing the curriculum for the specialization “Media communications in Polish-Ukrainian journalist profession” and including it within the regular BA-level curriculum of Slavic Studies;
2) through the collaboration with foreign partners and exploitation of theirs experiences in teaching for specific purposes;
3) intensifying of cooperation between the academia and the employers - 30 participants (including 6 speakers) of the two-day scientific seminar “A Philologist on the International Language Market”
The project achieved the following main products:
1) in Task 1 (. Designing the curriculum and implementation of the specialization “Media communications in Polish-Ukrainian journalist profession” for the BA-level studies):
- 1 specialization curriculum designed and developed;
- 150 extra teaching hours for the students of Slavic Studies;
- 15 sets of didactic and support materials
- 1 reviewed support publication
- 3 internships for the students of the specialization
2) in Task 9 (Cooperation of IFS KUL with employers and transnational partners on developing educational curricula):
- Two-day scientific seminar,
- 1 report from the scientific seminar
- 1 agreement of cooperation between KUL and the local employers
3) in Task 7 (Internships for the teaching staff of IFS KUL):
- 2 staff internships,
- the proposal for making the IFS educational offer more attractive