Psychological Service NaUOA

Head of Psychological Service of NaUOA - Vadym Liubomyrskyi – practical psychologist
phone: (098) 862-89-40
I am guided by professionalism and dedication in my work. I work in the field of Body-Centered Psychology.
My life credo: “Explore the deepest spaces of your own personality, experiment, act! In this way, you will discover your own recipe for a happy, meaningful life and every day will become a part of an exciting journey!”
The purpose of the Psychological Service of NaUOA is to provide psychological support and improve the effectiveness of the educational process, promote personal and professional growth, social well-being, and preserve the psychological health of all its participants: students, faculty, and staff. Like any organizational entity, the psychological service is based on principles that determine the forms and content of its activities.
Taking into account the purpose, principles, set of tasks that higher education in Ukraine and the social and psychological service of higher education institutions of III-IV accreditation levels are designed to solve, the main directions, types of work and model of activity of the psychological service of the NaUOA are determined.
The main activities of the Psychological Service:
- Psychological education - in the form of lectures, talks, presentations, publication of brochures, leaflets, booklets, and a special column in the university newspaper to disseminate psychological knowledge and improve the psychological culture of students and staff of all university departments and high standards of consumption of psychological services.
- Individual counselling of all participants in the educational process to provide psychological support and assistance in crisis situations, self-knowledge, solving personal problems, establishing interpersonal relationships, personal development, and forming a socially useful life perspective.
- Psychological diagnostics (individual and group) - conducting research on topical issues that arise in the educational process in order to clarify the content and conditions of individual development of students and their personal resources, identify the reasons that hinder their development and learning and promote self-knowledge and self-development.
- Psychological correction is the implementation of psychological and pedagogical measures in the form of group training programs, coaching, and business games. It is realized through group work of personal orientation (development of personal characteristics, internal states of the personality - self-regulation skills, etc.) and group work of social and psychological orientation (topics: team building, psychological climate of the team, formation of skills of partnership communication, self-confidence, effective time management, etc.
- Prevention - prevention of deviations in the development and formation of personality and interpersonal relationships, prevention of conflict situations in the educational process.
- Organizational and methodological - expert and analytical work on the results of the service's activities; work planning; creation of databases, packages of methodological recommendations; analysis of the results of work.
- Research - involvement of teachers and students of the Faculty of Psychology in experimental and research activities in order to develop methods and technologies, acquire professional skills, and improve professional level.
- Public relations - cooperation with the regional psychological, medical and pedagogical centers, centres of social services for families, children and youth, mass media, business organizations, government agencies, etc.
The purpose of the Psychological Service of NaUOA:
- to promote the creation of a positive social and psychological climate in the teams of students, teaching staff and persons involved in the educational process;
- to provide psychological, social, pedagogical and information services to all participants of the educational process;
- to promote the formation of personal and intellectual potential of students, their social and psychological adaptation;
- to create psychological conditions for the development of creative abilities, cognitive and motivational spheres of each individual.
The main tasks of the Psychological Service of NaUOA:
- provide psychological assistance to students and university staff in difficult life situations;
- formation of a high level of psychological culture among students and university staff;
- psychological education: familiarizing students and teachers with the basics of psychology;
- formation of needs for psychological knowledge;
- studying the psychological difficulties of the students of the National University of Ostroh Academy and preparing proposals for optimizing learning;
- promoting the personal development of students.
Types of activities:
- individual counseling;
- psychological diagnostics (individual and group);
- group work of social and psychological orientation (topics: team building, development of partnership communication skills, self-confidence, effective time management, etc;
- group work of personal orientation.
Priority areas of activity:
- social and psychological adaptation of students to university studies;
- professional self-determination of students;
- healthy lifestyle;
- psychological culture of the individual.