The Press-Centre of the National University of Ostroh Academy
The Department of Public Relations takes part in establishing internal and external informational policy of the National University of Ostroh Academy, guarantees the informational support in educational, scientific, cultural, sports events in the university.

Head: Maryana Nechyporuk
tel.: +38(096) 101-73-31
Media Relations Specialist: Tetiana Polishchuk
Main responsibilities:
1.Informational support of all university events;
2.Distribution of information about the events concerning the National University of Ostroh Academy among the students and staff of the university;
3.Distribution of information about the National University of Ostroh Academy among Ostroh dwellers;
4.Cooperation with regional, all-Ukrainian and foreign mass media;
5.Advertisement campaigns of the National University of Ostroh Academy about the educational, pedagogical, scientific, social, publishing and other activities of the University;
6.Cooperation with social and political figures, social organizations;
7.Cooperation with PR Departments of other universities;
8.Cooperation with secondary education establishments;
9.Providing of the efficient work of the official web-site of the National University of Ostroh Academy;
10.Cooperation with the National University of Ostroh Academy graduates;
11.Creation of informational databases;
12.Publishing of student newspaper Ostrozka Academia (The Ostroh Academy);
13.Publishing and distribution of informational advertising materials about the National University of Ostroh Academy.