The National University of Ostroh Academy is the successor of Ostroh Slavic, Greek and Latin Academy, the first higher educational establishment of the Eastern Slavs.


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Department of Finance and Business


Head of the Department: Yuliia V. Shulyk, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor of the Finance and Business Department

Contact information: The central building of the NaUOA
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 8.30 a.m. – 5.30 p.m., lunch break: 12.30 а.m. - 1.30 p.m.

Department Assistant: Myroslava V. Hontar

Contact information: The central building of the NaUOA
Office hours: Monday - Friday: 8.30 a.m. – 5.30 p.m., lunch break: 12.30 а.m. - 1.30 p.m.

General information about the Department

The department provides professional training disciplines: Finance Fiscal System Budget System, Finance and Credit Financial Market Financial Activity of Economic Agents Corporate Finance Banking System Accounting, Financial Accounting, Insurance, Insurance Management, International Finance, Anti-Crisis Models of Business Administration, Management Accounting, Accounting in Budgetary Institutions, Bank Accounting, Entrepreneurship and Business Basics, Business Planning, Financial Statements and Analysis, Investment, Investment Analysis, Financial Awareness, Project Management, Financial Management, Analytics in Public Finance Management, Strategic Management Accounting, and much more.

Our educational programmes:




  • providing students with a high level of professional training, equipping them with knowledge, skills and abilities that make our graduates competitive in the labour market;
  • active social partnership with employers and practical assistance in graduate employment;
  • implementing innovative teaching technologies, publishing textbooks and coursebooks, teaching guides and supplementary materials for full-time and correspondence students;
  • establishing cooperation with economic entities for researching contractual topics and grants;
  • developing international cooperation with foreign higher education institutions.

The department researches 'Providing Sustainable Development of the Financial System of Ukraine in Modern Conditions' (state registration number 0121U112619). In addition, the scientific journal «Scientific Proceedings of the National University of Ostroh Academy, Economics Series» is published.

Scientific interests of the lecturers of the department:

  1. Prof. O. I. Demianchuk - Financial capacity in forming local budgets in decentralisation
  2. Assoc. Prof. N. V. Ivanchuk - Enterprise accounting. Financial analysis of the enterprise.
  3. Prof. O. R. Kryvytska - Strategic priorities of the insurance market in Ukraine
  4. Prof. N. A. Mamontova - Cost-oriented management in the context of globalisation. Estimation of intellectual capital. Investments in the energy market in the context of sustainable development.
  5. Lecturer A.F. Novak - Financial provision for higher education institutions. Positioning of higher education institutions in the market of educational services. Banking activity. 
  6. Assoc. Prof. N.M. Nohinova - Tax reforms in Ukraine with amendments to tax legislation
  7. Lecturer M.V. Fominykh - Banking system. Banking Operations
  8. Assoc. Prof. Yu.Yu. Kharchuk - Accounting and analytical procurement of financial strength and economic security of economic entities. Anti-crisis management. Strategic management accounting. Management decision-making.
  9. Assoc. Prof. Yu. V. Shulyk - Investment analysis and trends in the financial market. Project approach.

The department conducts the annual international academic practical internet conference «State Financial System: Tendencies and Prospects for Development».

Scientific groups

The department lecturers lead the following scientific groups: 'Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: Challenges, Accounting and Analytical Procurement, Prospects in the Context of Uncertainty', supervised by Assoc. Prof. Yu.Yu. Kharchuk, 'Methodological Framework for the Formation and Analysis of Financial Statements of the Enterprise' and 'Development and Role of Finance and Credit in Modern Conditions', supervised by Assoc. Prof. N.V. Ivanchuk, 'Strategic Prospects for the Development of Ukrainian Insurance Market', supervised by Prof. O.R. Kryvytska, 'Financial and Economic Aspects of the Development of Territorial Communities in Ukraine', supervised by Prof. O. I. Demianchuk.