Increasing the competitiveness of graduates in the labor markets of Ukraine and Belarus through the creation of a cross-border network of university centers for professional and career counselling

Programme: Eastern Partnership Territorial Cooperation Support Programme
Donors: Eastern Partnership Territorial Cooperation Support Programme, European Union, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Partners: The National University of Ostroh Academy, Lutsk National Technical University, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, O.S. Pushkin Brest State University
Project period: December 1, 2017 – January 31, 2019
The target group consists of high school students and applicants, bachelor students and university graduates, specialists for professional and career guidance.
The aim of the project
The aim of our project is to create infrastructure for professional and technical management of the students and graduates at the Universities-partners, which will ensure development of professional and career self-identification of the graduates, the objective proofs and presentation of their professional competencies for the employers at the labour market of Ukraine and Belarus.
Increase of competitiveness of the graduates at the labour marker of Ukraine and Belarus will help to increase the living conditions of the local communities by decreasing the level of tension on the labour market, improve the system of professional and vocational education for the pupils of secondary schools,increase the efficiency of the empoyers' organizations by hiring the best graduates who possess the instruments for efficient demonstration of their skills.
Within the framework of the program four professional guidance centers will operate, 16 certified professional and career consultants will work, a computer base of high school students and graduates will be created previously taken professional orientation crash course, a web portal of the project will operate, etc.
Workshops and seminars will be organized for target groups of the project; professional counselling centers will be set up. In addition, the preparation and certification of consultants, the professional and career orientation of applicants and graduates will be held, the exchange of experience and best practices, the final conference of the project will take place.
Apart from that, program implementers will continuously inform employers about the graduates' career potential by organizing access to the resume database via the Internet.
More information on the website: