Національний університет «Острозька академія» — наступник першого вищого навчального закладу східнослов’янських народів — Острозької слов’яно-греко-латинської академії. Сьогодні виш визнано одним із найпрестижніших вищих навчальних закладів України.


Усю корисну інформацію про вступ до Національного університету «Острозька академія» абітурієнти можуть знайти у цьому розділі.

Національний університет «Острозька академія» має статус самоврядного (автономного) дослідницького національного вищого навчального закладу. В університеті функціонують наукові центри, лабораторії, спеціалізовані вчені ради із захисту кандидатських дисертацій.


Мета НаУОА – надання якісних освітніх послуг, які дозволяють студентам здобути знання та вміння, затребувані на сучасному ринку праці. Усю інформацію, яка стосується освітнього процесу в НаУОА, ви зможете знайти в цьому розділі.

Canadian Studies Centre of Ostroh Academy National University

The purpose of Canadian Studies Centre of Ostroh Academy National University is to carry out research into socio-political system of Canada, its economic system and development, language policy, Canadian English and Canadian French, university system, culture and literature of Canada (comparative studies) and business opportunities between Canada and Ukraine, etc.  
It is planned to invite leading Canadian scholars, businessmen, and lecturers to facilitate discussions, seminars and round table discussions in Ostroh Academy National University, and to deliver lectures. 
The international conference Ukraine – Canada: opportunities for co-operation will be held with the participation of Canadianists from Ukraine and Canada and Ukrainianists from Canada and other countries.
Training for lecturers and students, postgraduate students, doctoral students in leading universities of Canada as well as training for Canadian scholars, students, postgraduate and doctoral students in Ostroh Academy National University will be organized.
The key fields of the Center’s activities embrace:
1. Systematic research of Canadian English. Performers: professor Valerii Polkovsky, Ph.D., candidate of philology, associate professor Lesia Kotsiuk, Ph.D., candidate of philology. Cooperation between the Departments of Linguistics of Ostroh Academy National University and the University of Alberta. Postgraduate students and Ph.D. students will be involved in the project.
2. School system of Canada. Performer: associate professor Svitlana Novoseletska, Ph.D., candidate of psychology. Cooperation between the Department of the English Language and Literature of Ostroh Academy National University and Ukrainian Language Centre of Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS) at the University of Alberta.    
3. Comparative studies. Cooperation with the Program in Comparative Literature (professors Irene Sywenky and Joseph Hart) and the Canadian Literature Centre in the University of Alberta.  Tentative agreement with the editorial board of the Journal Canadian Review of Comparative Literature.
4. Business projects. Cooperation between the Faculty of Economics of Ostroh Academy National University (associate professor Liudmyla Kozak) and Standard General Inc. (President Chris Greenwood), Gaia Energies (president Oleksandr Polkovsky), Pacific Valve (Edmonton) (company president John Boyko). Guest speakers: Paul Brodoway, Chris Greenwood, Louise Seamen, Oleksandr Polkovsky.
5. Political Studies. Performer: associate professor Yurii Matsiievskyi. Cooperation with Professor Bohdan Harasymiw (CIUS and University of Calgary). Joint scholarly publications in Ukraine and Canada, conferences. 
6. Canadian literature in Ukraine. Performer: lecturer Iryna Khabeta (thesis on the works by Margaret Atwood). 
7. Exchange programs. Performers: the Department of Foreign Relations (Eduard Balashov, thesis on related issue).
8. Ukrainian language in Ukraine and Canada: Usage practices. Performers: Valerii Polkovsky and the Department of Ukrainian Language at Ostroh Academy National University.
9. French-speaking Canada. Performers: associate professor Inna Kovalchuk, Ph.D., candidate of psychology, and the Department of Indo-European Languages. Cooperation with the University of Ottawa and the province of Quebec (Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
10. Support for the library funds of Ostroh Academy National University and creation of Canadian Studies Centre library. Negotiations with the authorities of the library of the University of Alberta concerning handing over books and their delivery to Ostroh.
11. Gender Studies in Canada. Performer: Oksana Jurieva Setting up the cooperation with gender centers of the University of Alberta and the University of British Columbia.
12. Religious tolerance in Canada. Performer: Svitlana Zasiekina. Setting up the cooperation with church program of Canadian Institute for Ukrainian Studies (University of Alberta).
Plan for the work of Canadian Studies Centre for 2010-2011:
1. Setting up of CSC website in English and Ukrainian, its regular update. Website category: Guests of CSC
2. Formation of the library funds of the CSC (receiving and registration of literature). Priority – Canadian literature, religion, Canadian politics – during the year.
3. Organization of scientific symposium: 
- Canadian studies in Ostroh Academy National University (February, 2011)
4. Organization of lectures, seminars and meetings on the topic of Canadian Studies with students and graduate students (Vareii Polkovsky, Paul Brodoway, etc) – February – April 2011 р.
5. Consultations concerning the topics for writing scientific works in reference to Canadian Studies (Bachelor, Masters, and PhD thesis) – during the year. 
6. Scientists of Canada are planned to be invited to deliver lectures and seminars in Ostroh Academy National University – during the year.