Institute of Pre-entry, Correspondence and Distance Education (IPCDE)

Director: Halyna Pastushok, Candidate of pedagogics, Associate Professor
Contact Information: old monastery building
phone: (03654) 3-00-69
web site:
The head of teaching and consulting office: Olena Tkach.
The head of teaching and consulting office: Olha Kostiv.
The head of teaching and consulting office: Nataliia Danyliuk.
The Institute of Pre-entry, Correspondence and Distance Education (IPCDE) is a unit of the National University of Ostroh Academy.
The main purposes of IPCDE are:
preparation of the specialists of the corresponding educational levels (correspondence education);
preparation of the entrants for their entering the university.
The structure of the Institute of Pre-entry, Correspondence and Distance Education (IPCDE) is determined according to the legislation and main directions of activity:
the centre of preparation;
the centre of correspondence teaching;
the centre of the career guidance.
Teaching process
The preparatory department. Apprenticeship is seven months (October 1 - April 30). Full-time education, paid.
The teaching process is based on the school programs, peculiarities of education and requirements of the entrance examination at Ostroh Academy. The curriculum consists of the subjects that are included into the entrance tests. They are namely Ukrainian and English languages, Ukrainian and world literature, Ukrainian and world history, mathematics, law, and the history of Ostroh Academy.
The preparatory department is available for citizens of Ukraine who have secondary education. Admission to the department is carried out according to the results of the entrance tests (or interviews) and after tuition is paid.
The university grants free education to orphans, disabled children, and children from the families of moderate means.
The students define themselves the number of the necessary courses. The program includes some tests, individual tutorials, and participation in the Olimpiad-NUOA contest. One course tuition fee is 200 UAH.
The best students of the preparatory courses have privileges in matriculation.
IPCDE organizes open houses for secondary school graduates.
On January 21, April 1, and May 20 the graduates have a unique opportunity to:
- meet the university administration;
- receive the objective estimation of their knowledge;
- prepare for the entrance test:
- feel the atmosphere of the examination and overcome unforeseen psychological stresses;
- try the entrance system of OANU.
The intensive preparation courses function during the last two weeks before the entrance test. They consist of all the necessary subjects.
Correspondence teaching process:
Bachelor program for students having secondary or higher education. Apprenticeship is five years on the basis of secondary education: three years on the basis of higher education or other;
Specialist and master programs in finance and law last one year;
Master programs in documentation and information, culture studies, English language and literature lasts one year;
Master programs in Public Management, Public Administration, and World and European Integration lasts 22 months.
Correspondence learning is realized through examinations and interexamination periods. The Correspondence examination period is the part of the academic year, in which all the forms of the studying process included into the curriculum are realized. They are lectures, practical and seminar sessions, and tests. A period between examinations is the part of the academic year, during which students try to master the material individually as well as with the help of the lecturer.
The main forms of the students’ mastering of the material are tests and individual tasks. The correspondence learning is realized during the examination and interexamination periods according to the schedule of the studying process, which is approved and available for students before the academic year begins. The schedule of the studying process is worked out every year for each speciality. The schedule shows the number of examinations and the periods when students have to attend them.
The students are also provided with the list and amount of the subjects, informed about the number of tests and individual tasks, the forms of trimester control, forms of state certification and the deadlines. The students are invited for the examinations by means of invitations. This document is the ground for providing an additional paid vacation for the students who have successfully completed the previous.