On November 18, Mr Ben Hodges, retired Lieutenant General of the US Army, ex-commander of the US Army in Europe and Doctoris Honoris of Ostroh Academy, delivered the eleventh lecture at the National University of Ostroh Academy. The lecture topic was 'The US Elections and Their Implications for Ukraine and for Europe'.
Eduard Balashov, the Rector of Ostroh Academy, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), and Full professor, moderated the meeting.
We present the most noteworthy quotes from the lecture of Mr. Ben Hodges:
- Trump gained victory, and the Republicans gained control in the House of Representatives and the Senate, i.e. the entire Congress. However, 1/3 of the Senate is up for re-election every two years, so the Republicans will likely lose some of their positions there.
- In politics, communication is essential, and an important part of communication is the ability to understand the audience.
- While there are some Republicans who do not support Ukraine, there are those who support both Ukraine and its membership in NATO.
- We will know more after the hearings with the leading candidates for positions in the US government.
- Every government has a massive bureaucracy, and it is a reasonable criticism to make it smaller. However, the most important thing is that the bureaucracy exists to ensure security and compliance with the law.
- I hope the Republicans will be able to stand up to the new Trump administration.
- Ukraine has a bright future.
The 1st year student of the second (master's) level of higher education specialising in Law, Sofiia Kondarevych, and the 2nd year student of the speciality Philology: 035.041 'Germanic Languages and Literatures (including translation), English Major' Bohdana Bokovets shared their impressions after the meeting.
'When discussing even the most controversial political topics, Ben Hodges always considers the issue from his own point of view as a citizen, a professional and a human being. Undoubtedly, he possesses a combination of erudition and exemplary ethical values and has a clear position that will not fail to interest the listeners. The most important thing is that the American people stand with Ukraine. Ben Hodges respects and honours the Ukrainian people and supports us wholeheartedly.'
'Ben Hodges' lecture on the US elections and their impact on Ukraine and Europe was incredibly engaging. The speaker was highly competent; he told us as much information as possible and spread it among young people.'
Read also:
- Former Commander of the US Ground Forces in Europe, Ben Hodges, Gave a Lecture to the Students of Ostroh Academy
- The Second Lecture of US Army Lieutenant General
- U.S. Army Lieutenant General Ben Hodges delivered the third lecture to the students of Ostroh Academy
- The Series of Lectures by US Army Lieutenant General Ben Hodges Continues at Ostroh Academy
- US Army Lieutenant General Ben Hodges Spoke about Problems and Challenges to Global Security
- Lectures by the Retired Lieutenant General of the US Army, Ex-Commander of the US Army in Europe Ben Hodges, Continue at Ostroh Academy
- Retired Lieutenant General of the US Army, Ex-Commander of the US Army in Europe Ben Hodges Continues to Give Lectures to Students of Ostroh Academy
- Retired US Army Lieutenant General Ben Hodges Spoke About the Russia-Ukraine War and the Middle East Conflict as Factors of Global Instability
- Retired US Army Lieutenant General Ben Hodges Spoke about Building and Strengthening the Capabilities of the Ukrainian Army
- Ben Hodges, Retired Lieutenant General of the US Army, Delivered a Lecture at Ostroh Academy