Opening of the exhibition “Cosmodernism” by Dmytro Petruk
March 26, 2019
On March 26, the National University of Ostroh Academy hosted the opening of the exhibition of paintings "Cosmodernism" by a young artist and the third year student of the Faculty of Humanities by Dmytro Petruk.
During the event, Dmytro Petruk talked about the idea of creating an exhibition:
«The name of the exhibition emerged from the combination of words of space and modernism. In the paintings one can notice one concept: space and marine themes. Why these words? I've loved space since childhood. The marine theme arose under the influence of the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean", although the idea itself arose completely by accident. For me, space is the history of the universe, an amorphous reality, which is filled with everything that exists. On the pictures it is noticeable that space is progressing, and not only in the content of the paintings, but also in the work technique. The main thing is to find inspiration, so I paint and listen to music at the same time, but when I make a mistake in the process, I immediately turn it off and concentrate on the picture alone.»
The young artist noted that he is ready to be criticized, since he himself often criticizes the artistic works of others, but not because he considers them bad, but because he considers the critique as a way to find the truth. According to Dmytro Petruk, art has a narrative nature, and it should carry information to the viewer.
«Of course, being 20-year-old, most people have ambitious targets, and I'm not exactly a special case. I am a Literature Writing student, and this contributes to the development of my artistic preferences and brings new ideas for the paintings. Therefore, I plan to create my own comic and cartoon. I think it will be something new, different to this exhibition. As an option, it may be something related to the history of the Cossacks. In addition, I plan to create copies of my paintings for sale so they will be accessible to everyone, because the original ones cost much more. It's nice when my works are positively evaluated by strangers - you realize that someone needs your art. I did not want to be called an artist before the first exhibition of my paintings. And now, after its opening, I can say that I am an artist!» - comments Dmytro Petruk.
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