Let’s make a Bridge! : Results
September 27, 2018
The students of the Faculty of International Relations of the National University of Ostroh Academy together with the students of the Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences (KVK) took part in a project entitled “Let’s make a Bridge!” from 17 to 21 September.
The project “Let’s make a Bridge!” was aimed at the development of the competencies required for active social, public, and professional life.
Twenty-four participants took part in the project. The students of Ostroh Academy together with their counterparts from Klaipeda undertook self-reliant activities and participated in seminars, discussions, games, informal sessions, excursions to the army battalion and Lithuanian Sea Museum.
The representatives of both universities are certain that the students, who had taken part in those activities, gained international experience and developed language skills, and the successful implementation of the project fostered more intensified cooperation between the National University of Ostroh Academy and the Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences.
“Indeed, this experience was incredible! The project “Let`s make a Bridge!” provided an opportunity for us to learn more about Lithuania, its culture and traditions. The improvement of foreign language skills and development of professional and social competencies were the main achievements of the project. I also got acquainted with new people and was impressed with their openness and sincerity. I am glad to be the lucky one to participate in such a project,” shared her impressions Oksana Vavrenchuk, a fourth-year student of the Faculty of International Relations.
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