The National University of Ostroh Academy is the successor of Ostroh Slavic, Greek and Latin Academy, the first higher educational establishment of the Eastern Slavs.


The National University of Ostroh Academy receive the status of autonomous research national higher educational establishment.


Ostroh Academy abounds with the projects which welcome the students willing to actively participate, reveal their creative potential and realize their selves.


The National University of Ostroh Academy invites foreigners to become students of one of the most prestigious educational institution. More information can be found here.

Research Centres and Laboritaries

The 'Modern Technologies of Forming a Foreign Language Communicative Competence Research and Practice Laboratory' is a vital component of our academic and research activities. It serves as a platform for developing and implementing innovative methods for teaching and assessing foreign language competence, thereby contributing to the advancement of language education and research.

Director: Inna V. Kovalchuk, Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Linguistics, Cand. Sc. (Psychology), Associate Professor.

Office hours: Monday - Thursday: 09.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m., lunch break: 12.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m.

A Brief History of Creation

Modern Technologies of Forming a Foreign Language Communicative Competence Research and Practice Laboratory operates within the framework of the scientific theme of the Indo-European Languages Section of the Department of Language Mediation. The primary objective of teaching a foreign language is to form communicative competence, i.e. the ability and willingness to carry out effective intercultural communication. Proceeding from the above, creating a scientific-practical laboratory, "Modern Technologies of Formation of Foreign Communication Competence", seems relevant.

The main projects and tasks that the laboratory deals with:

  • the study of scientific approaches to technologies of formation of foreign language competence;
  • the study of national and international approaches to determining the level of communicative competence and its components;
  • the development of textbooks and training materials;
  • organising methodological seminars "Modern Technologies of Forming a Foreign Language Communicative Competence";
  • organisation of research and practical training for foreign language teachers of secondary schools to develop modern strategies in teaching foreign languages;
  • organisation and conducting international and all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences;
  • conducting seminars - training sessions, and workshops for students of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Linguistics;
  • holding regional seminars on the methods of development of copywritten programmes and courses;
  • developing the concept of standardised assessment of the quality of students' knowledge;
  • developing the concept of project activities during the lessons in the foreign language and creative forms of control;
  • establishing a foreign language learning centre;
  • holding research and practical seminars on the topics "Development of communicative competence in reading and listening comprehension", "The Projects Method", "Intercultural Communication and Modern Communication Technologies".

International Projects

  • implementation of joint projects with the laboratory PREFICS of the University of Rennes II (France) and the French Embassy in Ukraine;
  • cooperation with the Paris linguistic school "Globy mundus": joint seminars on linguodidactics and culture-oriented linguistics, organisation of linguistic courses.

Completed Projects (events)

Scientific-methodological seminars:

  • Regional scientific-practical workshop for teachers of foreign languages: "Strategies of preparing high school students for successful test writing at foreign language lessons";
  • Regional research and practical seminar on the topic: "Applying strategic competence while preparing students for external independent testing in a foreign language";
  • Inter-departmental workshop for teachers of foreign languages ​​on the topic:
  •  "Applying survey technique for the development of the communicative competence in foreign languages lessons";
  • Regional scientific-methodological seminar for teachers of the Polish language on the topic "Teaching the Polish language in Ukraine: problems and perspectives";
  • Utilising literary texts in Polish language lessons;
  • Formation of foreign language communicative culture in university students;
  • Scientific-methodological seminar "Using Internet resources in teaching foreign languages";
  • Scientific-methodological workshop on "Psychology of organisation of the alternative learning of foreign languages at universities".

Scientific Conferences:

  • International Research-to-Practice Conference "Applied Linguistic Studies in Terms of Intercultural Communication," 2016–2024.
  • All-Ukrainian Student Research-to-Practice Conference "Linguistic and Cultural Aspects of Communication", 2008-2024.
  • All-Ukrainian Student Research-to-Practice Conference "Linguistic and Cultural Aspects of Communication", 2008-2024.
  • International Research-to-Practice Conference "Intercultural Communication: Language–Culture–Personality," 2006–2015.
  • All-Ukrainian Research-to-Practice Conference of Young Scientists with International Participation "Linguistic and Cultural Aspects of Communication," 2012-2015.

Collections of The Scientific Notes. "Philology" Series:

Director: Lesia M. Kotsiuk, Cand.Sc. (Philology), Associate professor
Address: 35800 Educational and Scientific Center LinguaPark, Institute of Linguistics, National University of "Ostroh Academy", st. Seminarska St. 2, Ostroh, Rivne Region, Ukraine

The Educational and Scientific Center LinguaPark is a dynamic and active unit of the Institute of Linguistics at the National University of "Ostroh Academy." It continuously conducts research and provides language/linguistic training for specialists, ensuring a vibrant learning environment.

The Educational and Scientific Center LinguaPark is an educational, research, and practical base for the National University of "Ostroh Academy." It integrates learning with solving applied linguistic tasks, helping students acquire professional knowledge and skills for independent decision-making in real-world settings. It also facilitates mastery of modern methods and forms of work organisation, along with tools relevant to their future professional activities.

The main tasks of the Scientific and Educational Center are:

  1. The organisation of studies in areas related to applied linguistics and the issue of respective certificates: methods of teaching foreign languages, organisation and execution of translation work, language technologies, and the use of foreign languages in different spheres of human activity (tourism, science, public administration, etc.). 
  2. Providing conditions for internship in some areas of training at laboratories, centres and structural subdivisions of the National University of Ostroh Academy for the needs of the university (section of translation, language school, scientific linguistic laboratories, faculties).
  3. Conducting seminars, schools, and conferences for scientific and pedagogical staff, students, and specialists in applied aspects of linguistic research.
  4. Development of the physical infrastructure for conducting research and innovation activities in the linguistic field;
  5. Development of methods of individual targeted training of students;
  6. Implementation of innovative learning technology, including the development and application of training complexes and distance learning technology;
  7. Providing students with information on options for learning subjects in the areas of linguistic research that the centre conducts;
  8. Ensuring interaction between scientific activity and educational process at all its stages, including the use of research results in lecture courses, experimental bases for the conducting course and diploma projects and works;
  9. Promotion of the development and commercialisation of innovative products created as a result of scientific and methodological activities of scientific and pedagogical staff;
  10. Contribution to the involvement of qualified employees of other enterprises, organisations and institutions for participation in scientific and educational work of the University;
  11. Organisation and development of advertising campaigns on scientific and educational activities in the sphere of language technologies;
  12. Development of cooperation with higher educational institutions of Ukraine, scientific organisations, and other scientific and educational institutions;
  13. Expansion of international scientific and practical collaboration with educational institutions, organisations, and entities to expand into the world science and education system.


The centre consists of three modules based on the direction of linguistic activities: educational, translational, and research.

Within each direction of the centre's activities, certificate programs are conducted, schools are organised, and scientific research is carried out.

Translational Module

The Translational Module of the Educational and Scientific Center LinguaPark aims to translate information, documents, sources, etc., circulating within the structural units of the National University of "Ostroh Academy" and contribute to disseminating information about the university worldwide. Other documents are translated by contracts established between the client and the National University of "Ostroh Academy".

Languages for translation: English, German, French, Spanish, Ukrainian.

The automated translation system with cloud technology, Phrase, is the primary tool for translation management, translation, and proofreading. Access to this system has been obtained through a contract established between the university and the product manufacturer as part of support for university education in translation.

Translation executors and editors:

  • students who are undergoing translation internships as part of the curriculum of the Institute of Linguistics (according to contracts for internships at the Educational and Scientific Center LinguaPark);
  • instructors: Assoc. Prof. Lesia Kotsiuk (translation project management, translation, and editing), Senior Lecturer Oleksii Pelypenko (editing), Senior Lecturer Yurii Zablotskyi (editing, administration of the Phrase translation platform).

Completed Translation Projects:

  • Localisation of the Open Journal System website for the Scientific Library of Ostroh Academy (2017).
  • Translation of the Ostroh City Development Strategy (as part of a contractual project with the Ostroh City Council) (2017).
  • As part of the Cooperation Agreement with the Rivne Regional Library and the project "Revolution of Dignity.   War.   Rivne Region," biographies from the memorial website of the fallen were translated, for which a Letter of Appreciation was received from the project curator (2017).
  • Translation and editing of scientific publications by Ostroh Academy faculty for submission to international journals.
  • Analysis and development of recommendations for the translation of diplomas and diploma supplements for bachelor's and master's degrees at Ostroh Academy are being conducted.
  • In March 2022, the Ostroh Academy TRANSLATION FRONT began its work. Students (Iryna Matlasevych, Mariia Karavan, Khrystyna Shekel, Olha Filonik) and instructors (Lesia Kotsiuk, Yurii Zablotskyi, Oleksii Pelypenko) from the Educational and Scientific Center LinguaPark volunteered to provide translations:
    1. articles into English as part of the HISTORICAL FRONT project:
      1. Vitalii Yaremchuk, "The Russian Nation Does Not Exist" («Російської нації не існує»)
      2. How "Ruthenian and Lithuanian Scipio" Stopped the Advance of Moscowian Invaders to the European Terrains. (Як «Сципіон руський і литовський» зупинив просування московських загарбників на європейські терени.) The Victory of Prince Kostiantyn Ivanovych Ostrozkyi over the Muscovites in the Battle at Orsha in 1514. (Про Оршанську перемогу 1514 року князя Костянтина Івановича Острозького над московитами.)
      4. The Ukrainian Army of Hetman Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachnyi and the Polish-Moscow War of 1617-1618 (Українське військо гетьмана Петра Конашевича-Сагайдачного і польсько-московська війна 1617 – 1618 рр.)
      5. Mykola Zaitsev, Dmytro Shevchuk, Vitalii Lebedyuk. The Idea of Europe as the Idea of Unity: the Philosophical Approach
    2. Primary trauma care. A course guide for treating injuries in resource-limited settings—appreciation for the work is expressed in the introduction of the guide:
    3. Work on translating information messages on the volunteer information platform "Molniya" (Kateryna Kryvko, Iryna Ilchuk), as well as on the Telegram channel of the Ukrainian Women's Guard (Lesia Kotsiuk).

Educational Module

The Educational Module aims to increase the number of certificate programmes aimed at developing competencies in students that provide advantages in employment.

Implemented Educational Projects:

  • In collaboration with the Department of English Philology, educational programmes were developed, and the work of certificate programmes "Interpreting" and "Automated Management of Translation Processes" was organised.
  • Within the framework of the Concept for Teaching English at the National University "Ostroh Academy" the Educational and Scientific Center LinguaPark, in collaboration with the departments of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Linguistics—English Language and Literature and International Communication—has developed tests and conducts assessments in English for students of all majors: at the beginning of the year to determine the level of proficiency and at the end of the year to evaluate retained knowledge.
  • Courses for teaching English have been organised for faculty and staff of the National University of Ostroh Academy (2019).
  • In collaboration with the Department of International Communication, a programme and testing in the interactive Moodle system have been developed to prepare for entrance exams for master's programmes (EVI, ZNO).

Research Department

  • Work on the creation of the Corpus of Ukrainian English.
  • Active participation in scientific and scientific-practical events held in the language industry (seminars, webinars, workshops, conferences).
  • Organising and conducting seminars, webinars, workshops, and conferences on topics related to the work of LinguaPark.

Address: 35800 Resource Center for Foreign Language Learning named after Oleksii Izmentinov, Educational and Scientific Institute of Linguistics, National University of "Ostroh Academy," Seminarska St. 2, Ostroh, Rivne Region, Ukraine.

The Resource Center for Foreign Language Learning, named after Oleksii Izmentinov (hereinafter referred to as the Resource Center), is an educational-consultative and information-coordination entity that carries out professional-methodological, research, educational-consultative, and cultural-educational work aimed at promoting foreign languages and developing key professional competencies in students.

The goal of establishing the Resource Center is to enhance the professional skills of students, graduates, and foreign language instructors, improve the authenticity of teaching and professional competence through educational, consultative, methodological, and informational-didactic support, and elevate key professional competencies.

The main tasks of the Scientific and Educational Center are:

  1. Creation of innovative scientific and methodological resource bases. 
  2. Ensuring the openness and accessibility of available scientific and educational resources for all participants in academic activities. 
  3. Conducting joint academic and scientific activities with other educational institutions. 
  4. Transfer of innovative scientific and methodological products.
  5. Cultivating a new intellectual elite—innovative professionals for science, education, and the socio-economic sector of the region and the country.

The main areas of the Resource Center's work are:


  • conducting interactive lectures, training sessions, workshops, and classes on the latest technologies in foreign language teaching;
  • technologies for developing critical speaking skills;
  • the use of digital, computer, and media educational technologies and differentiated instruction methods.


  • studying and summarising domestic, European, and global experiences in innovative scientific activities.
  • consulting students engaged in research within the Junior Academy of Sciences, as well as providing guidance to teachers on organising scientific work.


  • organisation and conduct of professional competitions, creative work contests, olympiads, and round tables that promote the development of gifted youth.


  • collaboration with embassies, international institutions, and organisations;
  • studying and disseminating foreign experiences in teacher training;
  • exchanging research findings with foreign educational and scientific institutions.

Management and Staff of the Resource Center

The Resource Center's activities are managed by a leading scientific and pedagogical staff member of the institute who has experience in research, experimental, and innovative activities. The Resource Centre staff comprises scientific and pedagogical employees, educational support personnel from the institute, specialists of relevant profiles invited from outside, and students involved in the completion of research projects, coursework, theses, and internships.