Department of English Philology

Head: Anatolii Oleksiiovych Khudolii, Full Professor, Doctor of Political Sciences
Contact: administrative building, Department of Englih Philology
Office hours: Monday to Friday: from 8.45 a.m. 5.45 p.m., lunch time: 12.30 to 1:30 p.m.
Office Manager of the department: Liudmyla Yatsiuk
Contact: administrative building, Department of English Philology
Tel/Fax: (03654) 3-02-58
Office hours: Monday to Friday: from 8.45 a.m. 5.45 p.m., lunch time: 12.30 to 1:30 p.m.
General information about the Department
In March 2014 the Department of the Theory of Language and Literature was renamed as the Department of English Philology
The Department of English Philology is a core department of the faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages that provides education in the area of Romance and Germanic Languages and Literature at the educational level of Bachelor and Master (full-time education).
The department is responsible for the scientific work of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Languages. The teaching process for Bachelors and Masters at the Department of English Philology is ensured by a team of highly qualified teaching staff possessing degrees and academic titles.
The learning process
The staff of the Department teaches theoretical courses according to the approved curriculum. The courses that are taught by the staff of the Department are provided with necessary programs, teaching complexes, tasks for the current and final module tests on each discipline.
Teachers are active in e-learning system Moodle. It contains electronic versions of lectures andpractical tasks for workshops. This system is used by the teachers for the current and final module tests. Teachers of the department combine electronic and printed means of control.
The Department of English Philology ensures the Translation internship for 4th and 5th year students (the tutors are (Pelypenko O.A. and Zablotskii Yu. V.). ). As a result of the internship, the students gain experience and improve their practical skills in performing various kinds of translation and get acquainted with the details of organization of translation service in various fields.
Scientific activities:
The guidance of students’ scientific work (term papers, Bachelors’, Specialists’ and Masters’ works) carried out by professionals of appropriate level having Ph.D. and Doctoral degrees.
The Department of English Philology is in charge of the scientific work of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic languages. Throughout the year, the teachers of the department actively involve students in research work, namely:
- Ensure the activities of research groups;
- Encourage students to participate in scientific conferences and write articles.
The Department of English Philology is engaged in the scientific works on the theme: "Lexical and phraseological aspects of discourse", which was registered at the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific-Technical and Economic Information in October 2016, the state registration number 0116U005587.
The scientific work of students
The department organizes scientific research of students.
Thus, at the Department of English Philology, the following research groups are operating:
1. Localization of software and Ukrainization of websites;
2. The semantics of language and text;
3. Text Linguistics;
4. Socio- and Psycholinguistic Studies;
Their main tasks are:
• Update the software running at each workstation center;
• Extend the range of technical equipment of the center to allow Intrenet conferences and live television space bridges;
• Participate in activities related to the prospective profile of the center (conferences, debates, television space bridges)
• Continue working on the introduction of computer technology in the teaching and educational process of the faculty and university.
• Continue the activities of the lexicographical research laboratory «LEXILAB»
Partners of the Department:
1. Within the frame of the agreement, teachers of the department are working closely with Jan Kochanowski University (Kielce, Poland). For two years, teachers have been taking part in conferences organized by the Polish University and publishing their articles in the annual collection supported by prof. Leschak .OV.
2. The full cycle Translation company "Linguistic Center", Lviv;
3. Department of Applied Linguistics of Lesia Ukrainka East-European University (Lutsk);
4. Department of practice of English at Lesia Ukrainka East-European University;;
5. Department of Theory and Practice of Translation at T. Shevchenko Kyiv National University.
6. Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Chernivtsi), Department of Germanic, General and Comparative Linguistics (headed by prof. Kushneryk V.I.,) and the Department of Translation (headed by prof. Bialik V.D.)