Institute for Ukrainian Diaspora Studies

Alla Ye. Atamanenko,
Dr.Sc. (History), Professor
Research Scientists of the Institute for Ukrainian Diaspora Studies:
Iryna O. Rybachok
Nazar A. Martyniuk
Contact Address:
Institute for Ukrainian Diaspora Studies of NaUOA
2, Seminarska Str.
phone/fax: (03654) 2-29-49
Institute for Ukrainian Diaspora Studies (founded January 2002) is one of the structural departments of the National University of Ostroh Academy.
Objectives of the Institute: study life, activities, creative and scientific works of Ukrainians living abroad; develop and extend scientific and cultural links with Ukrainians living abroad.
Spheres of activity:
exploring scientific issues of studying different aspects of life of Ukrainian diaspora, publishing collected scientific papers, monographs and reference books;
developing university teaching programmes and curricula on the aspects of life and activities of Ukrainian diaspora;
preparing textbooks for secondary schools and higher education establishments;
organizing scientific conferences and seminars on the issues of Ukrainian diaspora studies;
assisting in involving guest diaspora scholars in teaching at the National University of Ostroh Academy;
cooperating with Ukrainian scientific institutions and universities in terms of discussing the issues related to life and activities of Ukrainians living abroad;
amassing the academic library and archives.
Research and community contacts:
The Institute has established research contacts with the Ukrainian Historical Association, Ukrainian Museum-Archive in Cleveland, World Scholarly Council of Ukrainian World Congress, the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, the Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences in the USA and Canada, Shevchenko Scientific Society in Europe, Canada and the USA, Ukrainian Studies Programme in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA), Congress of Ukrainian Organizations in Australia, Ukrainian Free University in Munich, and other scientific and public institutions.
The Institute compiled and published Scientific Proceedings (History series) with the materials of the 1st International Conference Ukrainian Diaspora: Research Issues. Currently, the Institute in cooperation with foreign Ukrainian research institutions is working on the next volume of Scientific Proceedings that will include materials in diaspora studies; on a directory of Ukrainian research institutions in emigration and diaspora; Memoirs by famous historian Nataliia Polonska-Vasylenko,memoirs by famous Ukrainian bibliographer Lev Bykovskyi, selected works on Ukrainian historiography by Oleksandr Ohloblyn, etc. The Institute assists the editorial office of international historical journal The Ukrainian Historian affiliated with Ostroh Academy.
The library and archives:
The Institute continues amassing its library and archive; an electronic catalogue of the library is being developed; the Institute resources are provided for the readers.
Free books from SSS in the USA:
On the request of Shevchenko Scientific Society in the USA (President: Orest Popovych, Ph.D.), the Institute of Ukrainian Diaspora Studies of Ostroh Academy will GRATUITOUSLY pass on books published between 1927-2008 by SSS in the USA to Ukrainian libraries.
For more information, please email us at:
Detailed information about the books can be found on the SSS website at:
Scientific conferences and seminars:
Research workers of the Institute participated in the Scientific Conference of World Scholarly Council of Ukrainian World Congress (Kyiv), 5th International Congress of International Association of Ukrainian Studies (Chernivtsi), 2nd International Congress of Ukrainian Historians (Kamianets-Podilskyi), conferences in Nizhyn Centre of Humanitarian Cooperation with the Diaspora of Nizhyn M. Hohol State University, in International Institute of Education, Culture and Relations with the Diaspora of Lviv Polytechnic National University and many others.
In September 2004, the Institute organised the 1st International Scientific Conference Ukrainian Diaspora: Research Issues in common with the Ukrainian Historical Society and World Scholarly Council of Ukrainian World Congress. Researchers of diaspora history and heads of Ukrainian scientific institutions participated in this conference.
In September 2005, the Institute conducted a scientific seminar dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Ukrainian Historical Society.
In May 2006, the Institute organised and held the 2nd International Conference Ukrainian Diaspora: Research Issues with over 80 participants from Ukraine, Germany, the USA, Canada, Slovakia, Italy, Estonia, Poland and many other countries. The articles about this conference were published in leading Ukrainian periodicals and diaspora newspapers and journals. Conference reports are being prepared for publication.