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Ostroh Academy Got Involved in the Training of Chaplains

July 27, 2024

The war started by russia against our country poses a whole series of challenges. Responding to them means developing physical, psychological, and spiritual stability. That is why chaplains serve an essential role in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Military chaplains fight alongside the military and, at the same time, cover their spiritual needs, support the morale of the soldiers, help their comrades and their families, and mourn the dead.

The mission of the military chaplain is of great importance to the Army today. That is why Ostroh Academy National University responded to the initiative of American partners from Trinity International University to implement a chaplain training project within the framework of a short-term intensive training course. The partnership resulted in the certificate programme "Service of the Chaplain", which trained 216 people involved in the chaplain service as full-time chaplains of the Armed Forces or volunteer chaplains.

On July 26, Ostroh Academy National University hosted a ceremony to award certificates to the programme graduates.

The certificate programme is designed for citizens of Ukraine who desire to master the skills of pastoral care and spiritual life. Professors from Trinity International University and Ostroh Academy are involved in teaching the courses.

The programme provided introductory training for those serving in local churches or other areas of direct human assistance (e.g., health care and armed forces). It consists of four main modules: "Introduction to Chaplaincy", "Relationship Skills for Ministry", "Basics of Christian Counseling", and "Support in Crisis Situations". As a result of the training, students have acquired knowledge and skills related to pastoral care, interpersonal communication, crisis counselling and the ability to act effectively in crises, counselling on spiritual and moral issues, and serving as chaplains within and outside Christian communities. The programme was non-confessional and was implemented on the principles of dialogue, mutual support and understanding.

The programme is unique for Ukraine, as it involves the experience of colleagues from the USA and provides an opportunity to learn the American chaplaincy model in detail. This model, known for its comprehensive approach to spiritual and moral support, was a key component of the training. In addition, Trinity International University provided comprehensive support in its implementation, and the American partner financed the training of Ukrainian chaplains.

"In these difficult times, in which Ukrainians are forced to live in their country, the fact that chaplains from all corners of Ukraine have found time and opportunity to study and develop their skills of chaplain service shows their desire to be as useful as possible in the spiritual support of their fellow citizens. This course is important because Ukrainian chaplains have acquired experience to pass on to their colleagues."

the president of Trinity International University, Kevin KOMPELIEN, addressed the programme graduates

"Ostroh Academy is a university that cannot stand aside from the needs of Ukraine. From the moment of its revival, the academy has focused on forming the national elite and ensuring state interests. Today, our country is fighting an insidious aggressor. The spiritual and moral support of fighters at the front, their families, and a dignified farewell to the fallen are integral to our fight against the enemy. That is why our university immediately responded to the initiative of American colleagues from Trinity International University to spread the experience of chaplaincy and develop the competencies of Ukrainian chaplains - both those who serve in the army and those who serve as volunteers. Therefore, Ostroh Academy became a Ukrainian platform for implementing this programme."

Dmytro SHEVCHUK, Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching of Ostroh Academy National University, remarked during the certificate awarding ceremony.

The process of professionalisation of chaplains has a long tradition and history that began long ago. Since the adoption and implementation of the Law on Military Chaplaincy Service, which took place already in the conditions of a full-scale invasion, the Military Chaplaincy Service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine appeared. The mission, which churches and religious organisations previously carried out, became an official part of the armed forces. Today, a professional military chaplain is a clergyman and an officer of the Armed Forces. Along with professional chaplains, many volunteer chaplains carry out the mission of service. It is essential because we cannot meet military personnel's spiritual and moral needs with the help of professional chaplains alone. In these conditions, professional chaplains and volunteer chaplains must receive quality training. The current certificate programme, a significant step in the professionalization of chaplains, starts the systematic work on training chaplains in Ukraine.

Fr. Rostyslav VYSOCHAN, Deputy Chief of the Military Chaplaincy Service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, added.

"This event certifies the completion of not just some course or programme, but a huge thing. There is something much more behind this programme organisation initiative. I remember the year 2014 when the Ukrainian-Russian war began, volunteer battalions began to be formed. Then, volunteer chaplains went to war with the soldiers. Some went to the trenches; others tried to support them spiritually. War has not only a physical dimension but also a worldview. And you can't win on some fronts while losing on others. Since then, the chaplaincy movement has developed in the ATO-OOS zone, acquiring a certain maturity. But a full-scale invasion caused new challenges. It forces us to grow not only quantitatively but also qualitatively. Today, our community does everything to support the work of both staff chaplains and volunteer chaplains. After our victory, chaplains will be no less needed because there will be new spiritual challenges we will have to face."

Andriy OLENCHYK, co-founder and programme coordinator of the Christian Rescue Service, summed up.

The implementation of this program is just the beginning. It paves the way for the formation of other comprehensive certificate programs in chaplaincy, clinical pastoral care, and psychological and moral support for victims of war. Additionally, a comprehensive master's program in chaplaincy at the National University of Ostroh Academy is on the horizon, ensuring a thorough and extensive training for future chaplains.

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