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Retired US Army Lieutenant General Ben Hodges Became an Honorary Doctor of Ostroh Academy

September 25, 2024

On September 25, the retired lieutenant general of the US Army, ex-commander of the US Army in Europe, Frederick Benjamin Hodges III, was awarded the honorary title of Doctoris Honoris of the Ostroh Academy National University. This prestigious title is a recognition of his significant contributions to the field of national security and defense, as well as his support for the sovereignty of Ukraine. He was presented with a nominal doctoral gown and a diploma certifying the rank.

"For the first time, the ceremony of presenting the mantle to an Honorary Doctor of Ostroh Academy was held online. Despite this, we wish that the inaugurated professor feels the warmth of the university community even from a distance. We hope that Ben Hodges is also mentally with us."

mentioned Ihor Pasichnyk, the Acting Rector of Ostroh Academy, Doctor of Science (Psychology), and a Full professor.

Ben Hodges has been giving lectures to the students of Ostroh Academy for two years. These lectures, moderated by Eduard Balashov, Doctor of Science (Psychology), Full professor, and Assistant Rector for International Cooperation and Fundraising of the NaUOA, covered a wide range of topics. Ben Hodges delivered lectures on strategic approaches to overcoming russian aggression, the prospects to end the war, the chances of Ukraine joining NATO, the grand strategy of countering Russia/China, and the upcoming elections in the USA and the consequences of both for Ukraine. He also discussed the possibilities of creating an International Tribunal for russia, problems and challenges of global security, and building and strengthening the capacity of the Ukrainian army.

The Academic Council, after careful consideration and evaluation of his contributions, chose to elect Frederic Benjamin Hodges III as an Honorary Doctor of the National University "Ostroh Academy". This decision was based on his significant personal contribution to the development of Ukrainian education and science, the formation of highly qualified specialists in the field of national security and defense, and his support for the sovereignty of Ukraine. Maksym Karpovets, the Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Social and Humanitarian Management, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, and Associate Professor, read out the biographical information about Frederick Benjamin Hodges III.

Olena Shershniova, the Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations and National Security, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, and Associate Professor, congratulated Ben Hodges on receiving the title of Honorary Doctor of Ostroh Academy and expressed gratitude for holding lectures to the university students.

During his interactions with the students, Ben Hodges often expressed his admiration for their skills, particularly their high level of English proficiency, understanding of international politics, and the depth of their analytical questions. This admiration from such a respected figure can only serve to reinforce the students' sense of their own potential and value

"I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to receive this honorary title. It is a privilege for me to be associated with Ostroh Academy and to share my knowledge with the exceptional students, teachers, and staff of the university,"

Ben Hodges expressed his gratitude.


Some facts about Frederick Benjamin "Ben" Hodges III:

Frederick Benjamin "Ben" Hodges III - a 1980 United States Military Academy graduate, Hodges became an infantry officer, a platoon leader and company executive officer in the 2nd Armored Division (Forward) in Germany. After graduating from the Infantry Officer Advanced Course in 1984, he served in the 101st Airborne Division. In March 1989, Hodges became an instructor at the US Army Infantry School. He studied at the Command and General Staff College. He graduated from the School of Advanced Military Studies in 1993, becoming the G-3 (Chief of Plans) of the 2nd Infantry Division in South Korea. Hodges served as a battalion executive officer with the 101st Airborne Division and, in August 1995, became aide-de-camp to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe. In 1997, he became a battalion commander of the 101st Airborne Division. In 1999-2000, he was a Congressional Liaison Officer at the Office of the Chief of Legislative Liason. After graduating from the National War College in 2001, Hodges served at Fort Polk's Joint Readiness Training Center. Taking command of the 1st Brigade of the 101st Airborne in 2002, Hodges led the brigade in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

In 2004, Hodges became Lieutenant General of the XVIII Airborne Corps and later served concurrently as Lieutenant General of the Multinational Corps in Iraq. He became chief of staff of the XVIII Airborne Corps and, since 2007, has been the deputy chief of Legislative Liason at the Office of the Secretary of the Army. In August 2009, Hodges became the director of operations for the Regional Command South in Afghanistan. In December 2010, he became the director of the Pakistan-Afghanistan Coordination Cell at the Joint Staff, and in November 2012, he took command of the Allied Land Command. In November 2014, Hodges became the commander of US Army Europe, a position he held for three years before retiring from the US Army in January 2018.

He headed the Pershing Chair in Strategic Studies at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA). In addition, General Hodges is NATO Senior Mentor for Logistics, advises several companies on Europe, NATO and the European Union, and co-authored the book Future War and the Defense of Europe, published by Oxford University Press.

In September 2024, he was elected Doctoris Honoris of the Ostroh Academy National University.