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Ukraine-EU relations in the face of global challenges were discussed at the Ostroh Academy

June 20, 2024

Within the Centre of Excellence named after Jean Monnet Erasmus+ "Hub of the EU solutions" program No. 101127578 — HEUS — ERASMUS-JMO-2023-HEI-TCH-RSCH On June 19-20, the International Forum "Ukraine-EU Relations in the Face of Global Challenges" was held at the Ostroh Academy National University, which became a place for discussing topics related to development and cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union.

"The war did not divide, but rather united our society. This is especially observed in labor groups. The Ostroh Academy is no exception, where the workforce has united, which can be seen in the educational process, scientific and educational work, and volunteer activities. The Director of the Institute of Law, Olha Balatska, managed to organize a group of young scientists who are working intensively on the problems that we will talk about today at the forum. A wonderful result of this work is the Center of Excellence named after Jean Monet. I hope that the issues raised during the event will help speed up Ukraine's accession to the European Union and intensify relations between Ukraine and the EU."

started the plenary session and gave a welcome speech by Acting President Rector of Ostroh Academy, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Ihor Pasichnyk.

The main purpose of the forum is to discuss the main aspects of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the spheres of legislation, politics, partnership and diplomacy, as well as to create a platform for participants who play an important role in civil society and are interested in education and the development of relations between the EU and Ukraine.

Candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law named after Ioanikia Malinovskyi, head of the "Hub of European Solutions" project, Olga Balatska noted:

"At the initiative of the Jean Monet Center of Excellence at the Ostroh Academy, we gathered at this international educational and scientific event. Thank you all so much for participating. The greatest respect and gratitude for the opportunity to hold the forum goes to our Armed Forces of Ukraine, who in wartime are fighting for independence and the civilized world's choice to live by universal human values, the principles of democracy and the rule of law, and defend them in the world."

Vasyl Kostytskyi, Doctor of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, professor of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences, President of the Association of Ukrainian Lawyers noted:

"European security has now acquired a new meaning. The European Union began to think about the fact that, in addition to support from NATO, it is necessary to develop and expand the national production of weapons, to build an army ready to fulfill its tasks in the new modern conditions of hybrid warfare. For present and future generations, it is necessary to save our civilization. The scientific front is also important, because we have a chance to develop methodological approaches to the assessment of war and security, as well as to form a generation of new specialists capable of working both in the post-war country and in a world in which any opportunities for aggressive interference in the sovereign development of nations and states".

Inna Khomenska, director of the "Media Center" Directorate of the State Enterprise "General Directorate for the Service of Foreign Representations", candidate of philological sciences, added:

"I am incredibly happy to be at this forum today. I thank the Ostroh Academy for the permanent partnership, the joint implementation of many events and initiatives, including the traditional diplomatic forum. I am proud of the fact that 9 graduates of the Ostroh Academy work for us. A new generation of interns will also join the ranks of our company, and this is extremely valuable. We are sincerely glad to be partners in these events, because we understand our goal - to live in Ukraine, rebuild and protect it. I believe that people who have a common goal always achieve success."

The forum consisted of a panel session and three main sections for discussion.

The purpose of the first section "Implementation of EU studies in the Ukrainian educational process" was to share experiences/discuss the results of the community of Ukrainian law schools regarding the implementation of European studies in the educational process, ensuring the quality of their teaching with educational resources, personnel, establishing international cooperation, further challenges and prospects.

The section was moderated by a candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law named after Ioanikia Malinovskyi, head of the "Hub of European Solutions" project Olha Balatska.

The participants of the section, representatives of law schools, talked about:

  • development of a network of teachers-leaders of EU legal studies in Ukraine with the support of the USAID "Justice for All" Program;
  • the implementation of EU values ​​in the educational process and project activities of the National Academy of Sciences: the experience of the NN Institute of Law named after I. Malinovsky of the National Academy of Sciences;
  • European studies at the Master's level of higher education, specialty Law (081): experience of the Ukrainian Catholic University;
  • the experience of introducing EU law studies into the educational process of the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko KNU;
  • teaching EU economic law: experience and prospects (on the example of the NN Institute of Law of Taras Shevchenko KNU);
  • the implementation of EU studies as the main direction of the integration development of education in Ukraine.

The purpose of the second section "Harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with EU law" is to discuss, analyze and determine the ways and mechanisms of adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the legal norms and standards of the European Union; ensuring compliance of national legislation with EU requirements and directives, which will contribute to Ukraine's integration into the European legal space.

The section was moderated by Dmytro Shevchuk, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of the National Academy of Sciences.

The speakers of the section were, in particular, the judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Halyna Yurovska, the vice-president of the Chamber of Notaries of Ukraine Inna Bernatska and other lawyers who focused attention on the following topics:

  • application of decisions of the Court of Justice of the EU in the practice of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine;
  • the application of the legislation of Ukraine and foreign countries through the prism of notary practice in war conditions and the needs of citizens;
  • harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with EU law during the war;
  • standards of the ECHR during the exercise of the right to peaceful assembly and prospects for their introduction in Ukraine;
  • implementation of sustainable development goals in the field of health care in the EU and Ukraine;
  • implementation of the doctrine of "inevitable detection" in law enforcement;
  • implementation of the Minimum Standard Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners into the criminal law of Ukraine;
  • harmonization of Ukrainian and EU legislation in the field of labor migration;
  • gender equality in EU integration: situation in Ukraine;
  • EU - Ukraine: reforming the system of social protection and social security;
  • the main areas of improvement of the review procedure and provision of conclusions by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on the example of the countries of the European Union.

The third section "International Security: Diplomatic, Political, Informational Dimensions" aimed to discuss and analyze the main aspects of international security with a focus on diplomatic, political and informational dimensions; development of effective strategies and solutions for strengthening global security, preventing conflicts, countering disinformation and promoting international cooperation in the field of security.

The session was moderated by Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of English Philology Anatoly Khudoliy.

During this section, the participants raised the following questions:

  • public diplomacy support in Ukraine: experience of SE "GDIP";
  • gender mainstreaming in the process of joining the EU;
  • sentiments of EU citizens regarding support for Ukraine in the face of a full-scale Russian invasion;
  • the constitutional model of the distribution of competence in the field of national security and defense of Ukraine
  • between the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
  • military aid to Ukraine: from Javelin in 2022 to F-16 in 2024;
  • foreign policy course in the context of the country's perspective factor;
  • strategic partnership formats in the context of global security challenges;
  • modern threats to the security of electronic systems.

The forum became a platform for in-depth analysis and discussions regarding fundamental values, such as freedom, democracy, human rights, the main features of a modern legal state, which are fundamental in the relations between the EU and Ukraine.