On December 4, the National University of Ostroh Academy hosted a meeting with Mr. Ben Hodges, retired Lieutenant General of the US Army, former Commander of the US Army in Europe, Doctoris Honoris of Ostroh Academy, in an updated format. The lecture's topic was «The Subsequent Development of Russia-Ukraine War: Risks and Configurations».
“Today we will change the format of our traditional lectures: we will listen to you, your recommendations and opinions on the Russian-Ukrainian war,”
The event's speakers were 4th year students of the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations and National Security of the NaUOA, Yaroslav Burkut and Yaroslav Varin.
Here are the most important quotes from the lecture: Ukraine seeks security guarantees before negotiations with russia.
- On December 3, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine announced it rejected any alternatives to Ukraine's membership in NATO.
- Putin's demands include Ukraine's surrender.
- The sanctions are impacting the russian economy: the official inflation rate in russia is approximately 9%. In comparison, the Central Bank sets the rate at 20%. Also, according to a russian think tank, the amount of daily consumer spending is growing by about 20% per year.
- About half of Ukrainians want peace as soon as possible.
- Ukraine needs to receive security guarantees before entering the negotiation process.
- Qatar or Turkey are likely to mediate the negotiations.
- It would be unwise for both sides to abandon the negotiations, as it would mean more losses for Ukraine and more Western arms supplies to Ukraine for russia.
- The goal of russia was to turn Ukraine into a puppet state, but it failed, so we cannot talk about Russia's victory.
"The new format is a great opportunity for attendees of Ben Hodges' lectures to express their opinions on international developments and demonstrate their analytical skills. Ukrainian students should join such events because it is through them that the world will be able to learn the vision of Ukrainian youth on protecting and developing their homeland."
"The issue of further prospects for the development of the Russian-Ukrainian war is the main and extremely relevant topic for discussion, as its intermediate result will have a direct impact on the further formation of strategic goals not only of Ukraine but also of the leading states of the Euro-Atlantic region."
Read also:
- Former Commander of the US Ground Forces in Europe, Ben Hodges, Gave a Lecture to the Students of Ostroh Academy
- The Second Lecture of US Army Lieutenant General
- U.S. Army Lieutenant General Ben Hodges delivered the third lecture to the students of Ostroh Academy
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- US Army Lieutenant General Ben Hodges Spoke about Problems and Challenges to Global Security
- Lectures by the Retired Lieutenant General of the US Army, Ex-Commander of the US Army in Europe Ben Hodges, Continue at Ostroh Academy
- Retired Lieutenant General of the US Army, Ex-Commander of the US Army in Europe Ben Hodges Continues to Give Lectures to Students of Ostroh Academy
- Retired US Army Lieutenant General Ben Hodges Spoke About the Russia-Ukraine War and the Middle East Conflict as Factors of Global Instability
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- Ben Hodges, Retired Lieutenant General of the US Army, Delivered a Lecture at Ostroh Academy
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