At the beginning of the new academic year, Ukraine's State Service of Education Quality (SSEQ) determined the risk levels for the economic entities in higher education. According to the monitoring results, Ostroh Academy significantly improved its indicator compared to 2023. In 2024, the risk level of providing educational activities by the National University of Ostroh Academy is defined as "insignificant" – 15 points, a testament to our commitment to continuous improvement and providing high-quality education.
The monitoring by the SSEQ was carried out according to the following criteria:
- the number of higher education institution degree-seeking students and academic staff employed as the principal place of work;
- the publicity of documents and information defined by legislation on the higher education institution's official website;
- the number of violations of legislative requirements in the field of higher education revealed as a result of state supervision (control) measures;
- percentage of non-accredited specialities and educational programmes.
"Ensuring quality education is a constant process, and at Ostroh Academy, we try to face all the current challenges. So, for us, the results of the conducted analysis by the SSEQ confirm the work carried out,"