The National University of Ostroh Academy is the successor of Ostroh Slavic, Greek and Latin Academy, the first higher educational establishment of the Eastern Slavs.


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Ostroh Academy joins 'Unity Day' celebration

February 16, 2022

On February 16, the National University of Ostroh Academy hosted a festive event dedicated to the day of unity. The event was held in a mixed form – online through the Google Meet and live, in compliance with quarantine requirements.

Opening remarks were made by the rector of Ostroh Academy, Professor Ihor Pasichnyk:

“… you can choose anything at all, my son,

But of Fatherlands for you, there's only one.”

These immortal words by Vasyl Symonenko evoke the memory of past generations who fought for us to have our Motherland that we so affectionately call Ukraine.

Nevertheless, this word should not be used formally, but with dignity and love in the heart. Only the unity and love for one's motherland make it possible to be united. Only unity brings victory.

I start thinking about the 30 years of Ukraine's independence, whether it is a long or short time span. From the historical perspective, it is just a moment. For a human, it is not even half a life, though incredible changes took place in the minds of Ukrainians during this period.

I am most pleased to read sociological research conducted during this critical period for Ukraine. It shows that 60% of Ukrainians are ready to take weapons to defend their homeland.

We are often blamed for our individualism being a negative national trait of Ukrainians. But in fact, this is our advantage. This is the most positive feature of Ukrainians because it provided us with the opportunity to shape a specific patriotism.

I am confident that no enemy will ever risk of going up against a united nation that loves its country and is ready to fight back.

I am proud of the Ostroh Academy and its employees because none of us had the idea to flee from the Academy, from Ukraine in search of better luck.

On the contrary, when the enemy is standing at the border, we are even more united. We organized our Academy's detachment of territorial defence named after the Princes of Ostroh, of our patrons, who in the 15th century demonstrated that a small army can defeat a large army if we are united, motivated, and love our country.

I am confident and believe that we will never hold real weapons in our hands, we will never shoot real people. We are a peaceful nation. But as George Washington said, “To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.”

We are incredibly lucky compared to other nations to have two anthems: our national anthem and the spiritual anthem. There are the following words in one of our spiritual songs: "Lord, grant us the unity." Today we ask Him to give Ukrainians peace, wisdom and unity. Only unity will bring us to victory.

The State Banner and the Anthem that also unite, unfortunately, are abundantly sprinkled with the blood of our patriots. May them unite our academy and the whole of Ukraine today.

Glory to Ostroh Academy! 

Glory to Ukraine!