The National University of Ostroh Academy is the successor of Ostroh Slavic, Greek and Latin Academy, the first higher educational establishment of the Eastern Slavs.


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The Daria Mucak-Kowalskа and Mykhailo Kowalsky Endowment Fund grants were awarded to students of the Ostroh Academy

June 14, 2021

The National University of Ostroh Academy, the successor of the first higher education institution of the East Slavic peoples, has long respected and preserved the principles, values ​​and traditions that unite people since time immemorial. Among them are the principles of mutual respect, mutual assistance, support and cooperation. Clear evidence of this is the fruitful and long-term partnership with the Ukrainian diaspora abroad.

From year to year, the National University of Ostroh Academy presents personal grants from the Daria Mucak-Kowalskа and Mykhailo Kowalsky Endowment Fund (Toronto, Canada). This tradition continues. Today, June 14, at the meeting of the Rector's Office, 12 personal nominal grants were awarded to students and graduate students of the Ostroh Academy. The grant is awarded annually to students and graduate students of the university who have a high sense of national dignity, patriotism and high achievements in public, socio-political life, as well as in the scientific activities of the university.

Students of the Ostroh Academy sincerely thank the Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies for the trust and the award of grants from the Daria Mucak-Kowalskа and Mykhailo Kowalsky Endowment Fund. This support is extremely valuable at such a difficult time for all of us. 

“It is a great honor for me to become a grant holder of the Daria Mucak-Kowalskа and Mykhailo Kowalsky Endowment Fund. This is an invaluable motivation for new achievements, projects and initiatives. This is the impetus to set new goals and achieve them. It is extremely gratifying that, despite numerous challenges and changes, along with the traditions and values ​​of the Ostroh Academy, fruitful cooperation with the Ukrainian diaspora remains unchanged,”

noted Tetiana Lotysh, a graduate student of the NUOA.

"I am extremely pleased to realize that I became a grant holder of the Daria Mucak-Kowalskа and Mykhailo Kowalsky Endowment Fund. I am convinced that this grant was received first of all by students with a high sense of national dignity and pride in our country. This pride is reflected in the figures in whose honor the Fund was named. The received grant marks the strength of the Ukrainian nation. Even outside of Ukraine, our historical heritage, language and culture, after all, our intellectuals command respect – we are worthy among equals, and we are proud of that!”

vocalized Khrystyna Bodnarenko, a second-year student at the Faculty of International Relations.

“I sincerely thank the Foundation and Fund for its willingness to serve and support students. It is very valuable for us to understand that there are those who invest in you as a student and a person. It motivates to develop and move forward, set new goals and achieve them. We will make every effort to ensure that these investments bring as many results as possible,”

said Esther Materian, a fifth-year student at the Faculty of Humanities.

The National University of Ostroh Academy and students express their sincere gratitude to the Daria Mucak-Kowalskа and Mykhailo Kowalsky Endowment Fund and the Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies for their constant support and assistance! We sincerely express our hope for the continuation of this wonderful tradition and look forward to further fruitful cooperation!