In the Ostroh Academy pupils were taught the basics of programming
October 17, 2018
On October 16, the National University of Ostroh Academy hosted the Code.Day () - the day of programming for schoolchildren. The event was held within the framework of the EU Code Week aimed at realisation of events in the field of programming for children and young people.
During a practical lesson, the lecturer of the Department of Economic-Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies Yurii Kleban introduced the participants to the basics of programming in the language C # (C-sharp). After that, pupils were able to solve independently programming tasks.
“The purpose of the event is to familiarize schoolchildren with the basics of programming on .NET platform and to form an understanding of modern information technologies.” comments Yurii Kleban.
In the project took part pupils from Ostroh district (Mezhyrich, Ozhenyn, Khoriv, Stadnyky, Kraiv, Brodiv), as well as students from Ostroh schools.
At the end of Code.Day(), schoolchildren received participation certificates.
By the way, the Student Brotherhood of the National University of Ostroh Academy together with teacher Yurii Kleban won the “Meet and Code” grant. The event was funded by SAP Corporation. In Ukraine, “Meet and Code” is being implemented with the GURT Resource Center, which is a partner of the TechSoup Global Network.
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