Carol singers from all over Ukraine took part in the festival organized by Ostroh Academy National University.
For two weeks the celebrations dedicated to Christmas, Old New Year and Epiphany have been held in Ostroh Academy. It has become a good tradition to host annual festival of carol singing Christmas Tale as the part of the celebrations and this year it was organized for the fifth time.
22 January had been anticipated by many students and guests, since on this day the festival organized by Ostroh Academy Culture and Art Centre took place in the Recreation Centre.
The variety of carols and their interpretations, as well as the number of participants from different regions of Ukraine, were impressive. During the concert carols and Nativity Plays were performed by children folklore singing groups of instrumental music Rosianochka from Zaporizhia and Suziria from Mykolaiv, by Netishyn municipal chorus Elegia, violinist group of Ostroh music school, group Kozachata from Ostroh, by Ostroh Academy Student and Teachers Church chorus of spiritual singing and Ostroh Academy folk amateur chorus.