On 21 January Chief Editor of newspaper The Day Larysa Ivshyna visited Ostroh Academy National University. The aim of her visit was to make a presentation of new books Ave Europa by Oksana Pakhliovska and Your Dead Chose Me by James Mace.
The guest also initiated a meeting of Ostroh Club for Free Intellectual Communication of Youth in Ostroh Academy. Young people from the universities of Lutsk, Donetsk, Chernivtsi and Dnipropetrovsk met with the founded of the Club, Mrs. Ivshyna, and shared their experience of work in such youth organizations.
Larysa Ivshyna had a word on the role of mass media in the change of public opinion and expressed her desire to continue cooperation with Ostroh Academy and to work on new projects. Concluding the meeting, she marked positive tendency in the development of critical thinking among the students.