On 9 December the meeting of the participants of ECO Leadership exchange programme and Rector of the university Igor Pasichnyk took place in Ostroh Academy National University.
The organization of exchange programmes between Ukraine and Canada allowing exchange of experience and cross-cultural communication became a good tradition of Ostroh Academy National University. In December the two-month stay of Ukrainian and Canadian participants in Ukraine finished.
The meeting with the rector of the university where the programme takes place is its traditional ending. This time the meeting was held simultaneously in two languages showing not only improved communication skills of Ukrainian students, but also a keen desire of Canadians to learn everything Ukrainian, to share the experience of Ukrainian volunteer network organization and, beyond dispute, to get something new from their Ukrainian counterparts.
The participants shared their impressions of the exchange program, suggested new ideas for organization of the exchange. In general, the participants from both countries are satisfied and full of emotions, because they have actually mastered group work and learned ways of conflict resolution.
According to Igor Pasichnyk, new exchange programmes will appear next year. This will allow more students to visit foreign countries and get unforgettable impressions and indispensable experience of cross-cultural communication.