Editor-in-chief of All-Ukrainian Periodical Ukraina (The Ukraine) Ihor Yurchenko and editor of literature complex Litera, writer Oleksandr Irvanets presented the journal to Ostroh Academy students. This edition, formerly titled differently, was initiated by Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, and at that time it was very popular among “conscious” Ukrainians. The journal gradually gains popularity again owing to sponsors. According to Ihor Yurchenko, the periodical is neither political nor cultural and educational, nor the journal of history of literature. Instead, he calls it “the periodical of native intelligentsia”, as it is mentioned on the cover.
One of the central issues among others was the issue about modern Ukrainian journalism.
“I am not the supporter of “dry” coverage of the material, simple accumulation of facts. A journalist has to express one’s point of view. This is, to my mind, the future of journalism”, stated his point Editor-in-Chief.