Educational and Professional program: “POLITICAL SCIENCE”. 052 Political Science
Branch of knowledge: 05 Social and behavioral science
Specialty: 052 Political Science
Goal of the Educational and Professional Program: training of researchers and experts who have a fundamental knowledge of political theory, and modern methods of political analysis and are able to apply them to solve practical problems in political and public spheres.
Characteristics of the Educational and Professional Program:
The Educational and Professional program is aimed at mastering the methodology of political and regional studies (area studies) and is focused on the study of the methodology of political science and its application in regional studies (on the example of countries of Central and Eastern Europe).
The methodological orientation of the program is provided by three mandatory courses (Methodology of political studies, Methodology of country studies, Master's seminar), and the regional orientation of the program is provided by three courses of a country studies nature (Central-Eastern Europe at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries, Political systems of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Post-communist transformation). The program is dominated by empirical, quantitative methodology and teaching which is based on research (research-based teaching).
The advantages are a mandatory course on data analysis (Analysis and visualization of data in R) and reading courses in Polish. Furthermore, students have the opportunity to undergo an internship in partner universities in the Erasmus+ program and to study for one semester at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the University of Warsaw.
Accreditation: the EP is accredited
For more details, please contact the International Department of Ostroh Academy,
The information about the Preparatory courses for International Students