Educational and Scientific Institute of Law by I. Malynovskyi
Director: Oleh P. Herasymchuk, PhD (Legal Science), Associate Professor
Contact Information:
Phone / Fax: (03654) 2-39-30
Office hours: Monday, Thursday: 7.30-16.50, lunch break: 14.10 - 15.30, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 7.30-16.50, break: 9.00 - 10.20

Associate Director for Science: Oleksandr H. Skarbarchuk, PhD (Legal Science), Associate Professor
Contact information:
Phone / Fax: (03654) 2-39-30
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Associate Director for Education: Tetiana M. Khomych, a lecturer of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law
Contact information:
Phone / Fax: (03654) 2-39-30
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Associate Director for Quality in Education: Mariia A. Matviichuk, PhD (Legal Science), Associate Professor
Contact information:
Phone / Fax: (03654) 2-39-30
Office hours: Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., lunch break: 1 p.m. – 2 p.m

Senior Assistant: Iryna M. Demchuk
Contact information:
Office hours: Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., lunch break: 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
General information about the Institute and Academic Programmes

The specialty ‘Law’ was introduced at the National University of Ostroh Academy in 1996 at the Faculty of Humanities as a full-time programme. On 1 January 1999 this specialty was provided by the newly created Faculty of Law. On 9 June 2011 the Rector of the National University of Ostroh Academy issued an order No. 38 to establish I. Malynovskyi Institute of Law in honour of I. Malynovsky, a native of Ostroh, the Academician of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
According to the current rate of Ukrainian law schools of 2021, the Institute of Law of the National University of Ostroh Academy took the fourth place among the law schools of Ukraine. The criteria for the rate included: 1) the level of professional knowledge of the graduates – 30%; 2) the level of critical thinking of the graduates – 15%; 3) the level of foreign language teaching – 10%; 4) the attractiveness of Master’s programmes – 10%; 5) the attractiveness of Bachelor’s programmes – 10%; 6) the level of employers’ trust in the law school – 25%.
You can find more detailed information about the rate of the law schools by clicking on the following link:,
List of the programmes
Bachelor’s degree programme (first-cycle academic degree)
Master’s degree programme (second-cycle academic degree)
PhD (third-cycle academic degree)
The educational programme for legal professionals has been developed taking into account the fundamental changes in all spheres of social life which require expert lawyers with high qualification.
In 2019 Educational and Scientific Institute of Law by I. Malynovskyi of the National University of Ostroh Academy with the support of the USAID New Justice Programme conducted monitoring of educational programmes. It also received expert support in implementation of an innovative syllabus for training of a lawyer which was designed by the Programme on demand of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
The students of I. Malynovskyi Institute of Law have the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge into practice during sessions and modelled situations in lecture rooms, as well as at judicial and law-enforcement institutions. They also take an active part in All-Ukrainian and international conferences.
To acquire practical skills, the students undergo practical training and have internship at enterprises, organizations, judicial and law-enforcement institutions, higher education establishments, etc.
On the initiative of the students and with the assistance of Charity Foundation of Legal Initiatives, Pro Bono Law Clinic was established in 2000. Its main aim is the application of theoretical legal knowledge and provision of legal aid to people (including legal consulting services and representation in court). Moreover, the students conduct law trainings for the pupils of secondary schools of Ostroh and Ostroh district.
Educational and Scientific Institute of Law by I. Malynovskyi conducts the research and applies the latest educational technologies, modern forms and methods of teaching. This is supported by international cooperation, finding new business partners, project development, participation in grants, international exchange programmes and trainings at the leading educational institutions of Europe, Canada and the USA.
The results of the sociological research conducted by the Institute of Sociological Research of the National University of Ostroh Academy show that more than 95 per cent of the graduates of Educational and Scientific Institute of Law by I. Malynovskyi are employed in legal sphere. The graduates work in the law enforcement bodies, courts, customs and tax services, local departments of justice, regional state administrations and local authorities, advocate and notary offices, legal research and educational institutions, legal services of state and private enterprise, and non-governmental organizations.
The Council of Lawyers, a student self-government body, provides assistance to the Institute and the Departments in the organization of educational process. The Council unites the most active students of every group of the Institute, and actively participates in all spheres of student life.
Useful links to the initiatives of the students and lecturers of Educational and Scientific Institute of Law by I. Malynovskyi
- - Institute of Law in Facebook
- - Institute of Law in Instagram
- - Pro Bono Law Clinic in Facebook
- - the web pages of the Ostroh Division of the Students’ League of the Ukrainian Bar Association in social networks - - Legal English Speaking Club of the Institute of Law
- - Instagram of Ostroh Legal Hackers